Leeds 2022-04-23

Sirfraz Ahmed 34

Sex offender preyed on three girls aged under seven accused his victims of lying.

Profile Picture
Offender ID: O-1688


Albion Street Dewsbury WF13


A sex offender accused his three victims of being liars when he was arrested almost two decades after subjecting them to abuse.

Sirfraz Ahmed preyed on the girls in the early 2000s when they were aged between three and seven years old.

Leeds Crown Court heard how the abuse took place in different areas of the city.

Ahmed, 32, was aged in his early teens at the time of the offences.

The court heard how one of the victims was abused in front of other children.

Another victim was abused after Ahmed took the child into a garden shed.

Leeds Crown Court heard Ahmed was finally arrested in 2020 after his victim found the courage to report the offences to the police.

Ahmed, now of Albion Street, Dewsbury, initially denied any wrongdoing and accused the victims of making up false reports about him.

He later pleaded guilty to four counts of indecent assault.

One of the victims read a statement to the court describing how she found the strength to report Ahmed to the police after she saw him years later and he taunted her about the abuse.

She told the court: "This decision was not just to get justice for ourselves but to prevent there from being any more victims."

Ahmed has previous convictions for robbery, burglary, theft and driving offences.

In 2015 he was given a 78-month prison sentence for robbery.

Taryn Turner, mitigating, said Ahmed pleaded guilty to the offences at an early stage.

Ms Turner said the defendant was himself a child when he committed the offences.

The barrister added Ahmed had been assessed by the probation service as being a low risk of reoffending.

Ahmed was jailed for 28 months and told he must go on the sex offender for ten years.

Judge Timothy Clayson told Ahmed that he had caused psychological and emotional harm to all three of his victims.

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