Manchester 2022-04-21

Barry Doyle 73

Paedophile molested girl - then threatened to share explicit pictures of her to force her into more vile sex acts.

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Offender ID: O-1670


Stretford, Manchester


A man who blackmailed a girl after he groomed her into sending him naked selfies during an abuse ordeal has been jailed. Retired tool maker Barry Doyle, 71, warned the vulnerable child he would share the pictures with others unless she submitted to further sexual demands - telling her: ''You have to behave.''

Doyle, from Stretford, had become obsessed with the girl and would take her out on trips in his car without her parents knowing. He also took her on shopping errands to the Trafford Centre, a court heard.

Greater Manchester Police arrested Doyle after discovering he had given her six mobile phones and on occasions used them to film himself molesting her. Officers seized a sex doll from his property plus a bag containing pairs of young girl's underwear.

It emerged he had a previous conviction from 1981 for indecent assault after he gave another girl money to strip before he attacked her. His latest victim was said to be 'extremely reluctant' to disclose details of her ordeal and was left suffering from severe bouts of embarrassment and anxiety.

At Minshull Street Crown Court, Doyle admitted 14 charges including sexual assault; inciting a child to engage in sexual activity; child abduction; and making and possessing indecent images. Following his release from jail, he will be on licence until 2032 under the terms of an extended sentence after the judge branded him a 'dangerous offender'.

David Bentley, prosecuting, said: ''He engaged in grooming behaviour towards her. He gave her mobile phones to entice her into having communications with him and he controlled her behaviour.

"She was given six phones and he would send messages some of which were affectionate and loving, such as addressing her as 'babe'. He said he loved her and he asked what colour knickers she wore.

''Her use of the phones was not unconditional. If the defendant suggested doing something to which she didn't acquiesce he would inform her that she had to return the phone to him. Arrangements would be made for her to return the phone back to him but he would then give it back to her and this happened on many occasions.''

The offences emerged after one of the victim's friends told her parents she was frequently being driven around in Doyle's car. The victim's father then saw his daughter in the car with Doyle and challenged him about what he was doing.

She was said to be anxious and crying and police were informed. It emerged Doyle would often call the girl to pick her up in his car and once collected her from school. Three pairs of girls' knickers were found in his vehicle.

Officers later seized various phones and inquiries found Doyle had told the girl to repeatedly pose naked for him during online chats.

Mr Bentley added: ''She said she sent pictures of herself to him at his instigation and she said she replied to him about 20 times. Specific naked poses were found on four devices. She said she was doing these poses for the defendant.

''She also disclosed that he threatened to show the pictures to others if she didn't behave. She suffered embarrassment and anxiety and what happened caused to her lose concentration during lessons at school although she has improved since his arrest.''

Doyle later denied wrongdoing in police interview and falsely tried to claim some of the images were of the sex doll.

In mitigation, defence counsel David Toal said: ''He will never involve himself in this kind of behaviour again. He recognises what he has done.''

Doyle was also made subject of an indefinite Sexual Harm Prevention Order and was ordered to sign the Sex Offender Register. He was banned from contacting the girl under the terms of a restraining order.

Jailing Doyle for jailed for seven and a half years, Judge Tina Landale told him: ''You took advantage of social ties to exploit a vulnerable girl and took multiple opportunities to be alone with her. You groomed her and you got what you wanted from her using gifts or with punishment by taking those gifts back.

''What you wanted was sexual contact and sexual pictures and movies of her. You took her out in your car... and repeatedly caused her to pose naked for photos.

''You used those photographs to blackmail her in addition to using these images for your own depraved enjoyment. If she didn't behave as you wanted, you threatened to show the pictures to others.

''A report says you pose a high risk of causing serious harm to children and I have reached the conclusion you are a dangerous offender. You committed these offences persistently and there is a pattern of sexual offending spanning several months.

''You have a clearly developed sexual interest in children - you have little genuine empathy, regret or insight into what you did.''

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