Hartlepool 2022-04-14

Lewis Fisher 30

Had sex with a vulnerable teenage girl.

Profile Picture
Offender ID: O-1624


Kesteven Road, Hartlepool, TS25


Lewis Fisher, 28, who is from Hartlepool, initially denied the offence to police after they were quickly alerted.

But forensic tests on swabs taken from the girl eventually provided DNA evidence to prosecute him, Teesside Crown Court was told.

Shaun Dodds, prosecuting, read a victim impact statement on her behalf in which she said: I cant trust anyone, I dont feel safe. I feel traumatised and it will be for ever.

She also felt as though her claims were initially disbelieved and that she was being punished for something that was not my fault.

Michele Turner, defending, told the court: He does now have an understanding of the impact of what he has done

There are understandably features which quite rightly left the court concerned about.

He accepts that his family have to serve any sentence with him.

Judge Chris Smith said Fishers victim had a degree of vulnerability because of previous problems and was taken advantage of by him.

Passing sentence, Judge Smith told him: When you were arrested you denied doing the offence but the scientific evidence supported her and you had the good sense to plead guilty.

The impact upon her has been very substantial partly because she went through a period of being disbelieved.

Fisher, who is a carer and is from Kesteven Road, was jailed for five years.

He will also be monitored for life by a Sexual Harm Prevention Order and be a registered sex offender for life after he pleaded guilty to sexual activity with a child.

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