Merseyside 2022-04-12

David Bottomley 60

Former karate instructor raped a schoolgirl and a woman.

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Offender ID: O-1583


Hoole Lane, Southport, Merseyside, PR9


The ex karate instructor was labelled a 'monster' after raping a woman and schoolgirl

A former karate instructor who raped a schoolgirl and a woman was today labelled a "monster".

David Bottomley said he led a life of "public service" - working at a YMCA and as a coastguard and a prison security officer. But the 58-year-old was exposed in court as a "violent and abusive" rapist and paedophile.

Bottomley, who ran martial arts classes and also worked as a doorman in Southport, was today jailed for 14 years. That was after one of his victims called him a "monster" and a top judge branded him "dishonest and devious".

Liverpool Crown Court heard Bottomley first abused a woman, when he committed a historic sex offence against her, which would today be classed as rape. Robert Dudley, prosecuting, said in another incident he used a karate kick on the woman's jaw while wearing steel toe capped boots.

The first victim did not tell anyone about what happened until other allegations against Bottomley emerged in 2017. That was when his second victim - at the time of the abuse a schoolgirl and now an adult - watched an episode of BBC Crimewatch.

Mr Dudley said when the presenter asked a question about knowing anyone who was sexually abused as a child or an abuser who has contact with children, "it triggered something in her". She wrote a letter to her mum, whom she had never told before, and it was decided that she should contact the police.

When interviewed by officers, she disclosed Bottomley raped her when she was about 12. The first victim then also made a complaint to the police.

Bottomley, of Hoole Lane, Banks, denied any wrongdoing, which meant his victims had to give evidence at a trial in January. He was convicted of the historic sex offence and of assault causing actual bodily harm against the first woman.

She today said Bottomley "permanently destroyed" her trust in people and made her feel "damaged, spoiled and degraded". In a victim statement read by Mr Dudley, she told her abuser: "You're a bully and a coward. Some people might say you're an animal, but that would be an insult to animals... You're a monster and what nightmares are made of."

Bottomley was found guilty of rape, indecency with a child and two counts of indecent assault against the schoolgirl. In a victim statement, she said what Bottomley did to her would stay with her until the day she dies.

Bottomley was acquitted of two other sex assaults on the schoolgirl and of three sex offences on two other girls. When the verdicts were returned, he collapsed in the dock and was helped by security staff, until he was taken away by ambulance to hospital.

Judge David Aubrey, QC, ordered a medical report on the defendant, who he was told had a history of minor strokes. However, Patrick Williamson, defending, today confirmed his client actually suffered from salivary gland cancer, which caused symptoms including facial numbness similar to a stroke, when he had a carotid tumour removed in 2017.

He said: "In respect of the episode at the conclusion of the trial, that was diagnosed as a dissociative episode brought on by stress and anxiety. But it was not fortunately related in any way to the question of a stroke or a TIA [transient ischaemic attack]."

Mr Williamson said Bottomley, of previous good character, was supported by his girlfriend, sitting in the public gallery. He said his work history was "in essence of public service", initially volunteering with Sefton Coast and Countryside Service, then working and volunteering at Southport YMCA, before he worked for five years for the Coastguard, in search and rescue teams, when he witnessed 13 deaths.

Mr Williamson said his client later joined the Prison Service as a security guard at HMP Kirkham. However, he was diagnosed with "complex PTSD" due to what he saw as a coastguard, "witnessing both adults and children who had died as a result of misadventure at sea".

The lawyer said it would be Bottomley's first time in jail. He said: "His reaction on receiving the verdicts is perhaps indicative of the predicament he finds himself in and the future that is held for him."

Judge Aubrey said he was satisfied Bottomley was a "violent and abusive" man, whose sex attack on the woman left her feeling sick, violated and humiliated. He said on another occasion he kicked her in the jaw.

Judge Aubrey said: "You had steel toe cap boots on. She described it as being excruciatingly painful and thought you had broken her jaw."

The judge said Bottomley raped and abused the schoolgirl - manipulating her by giving her money afterwards. He said: "You have left your victims scarred for life and in effect have imposed a life sentence upon each."

Judge Aubrey told Bottomley: "You have shown no remorse whatsoever." He said the victims had to "relive their ordeals" at his hands because he pleaded not guilty.

Judge Aubrey said: "However, the trial has allowed me to assess you. It's apparent in my judgement your evidence you had rehearsed in detail, in order to seek to tailor a dishonest and devious account, to the evidence. Not only did you manipulate your victims, you then sought to manipulate the evidence."

Judge Aubrey jailed Bottomley for four years in respect of the woman. He imposed a consecutive 10 years, with an extended one year on licence as an "offender of particular concern", in respect of the schoolgirl.

The combined effect of these two types of sentences means Bottomley must spend at least eight years and eight months behind bars before he can apply for parole. Judge Aubrey told him to sign on the Sex Offenders Register for life.

Bottomley's girlfriend told two companions "come on let's go" and left court, moaning: "Utter joke."

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