Dundee 2021-06-18

Kieran Dorian 26

Serial stalker who has plagued at least six women over a number of years.

Profile Picture
Offender ID: O-1569


Hawthorn Grove, Dundee, Scotland, DD5


A highly dangerous sex offender has been jailed for 160 days after he formed a secret, banned relationship with an unsuspecting woman.

The 23-year-old woman was charmed by a plumber's mate who attended her flat to carry out work, but was unaware of Kieran Dorian's sinister background.

She had no idea Dorian was on the sex offenders register for life and is a serial stalker who has plagued at least six women over a number of years.

Dorian returned to a neighbour's flat for work after the initial meeting with the woman and repeatedly engaged her in innocent conversation as she sat in the sunshine outside.

Today at Dundee Sheriff Court he admitted breaching strict terms of a Sexual Offences Prevention Order in March this year. He admitted ignoring a ban on him forming any relationship with a woman without advising his supervising officer.

Fiscal depute Gavin Letford told the court: "She is 23, resides alone and contacted her letting agent due to an issue with her taps. A plumber attended with the accused.

"The accused occasionally put his head in and asked about her work and engaged in general chit chat. On March 17 she met him a second time when she was sitting in a chair outside the flat.

"He was carrying out work in another flat. He noticed her and engaged her in conversation again. He stated that one day he would pop down and have a beer with her.

"He gave her his number and said his name was Kieran. They texted back and forwards on a range of subjects. On March 19 he asked if she wanted to do something and she agreed.

"On March 27 she contacted police to report an alleged offence which had taken place when he was at her home. He was subject to investigation by police and his phone was seized."

Screenshots of their conversations were sent to police and despite initial denials, Dorian finally conceded he had met the woman in Dundee without getting prior approval.

Solicitor Jim Laverty, defending, said the initial meetings had been innocent and Dorian's criminal offence was failing to alert his supervising officer in time.

He said Dorian had been talking to the woman as he carried gear in and out of the property and had later been exchanging texts about the genre of music they liked.

"He should have advised his supervising officer he was communicating with her," Mr Laverty said. "He has been in custody since March 29 and this has been a salutary experience for him."

Sheriff Gregor Murray said: "Your list of previous convictions confirms that since 2016 you have been subject to a number of orders from the court.

"You were very well aware from five years ago that you were under review. The SOPO was granted four years ago and that was very strict in its terms.

"That recognises that you are a person who is dangerous and any relationship you have has to be openly explained - most importantly to the lady involved so she is aware of your background."

In 2019, Dorian was jailed for three years for bombarding the social worker tasked with monitoring his behaviour with filthy phone calls and texts.

He also admitted stalking another woman for more than three-and-a-half years after becoming obsessed with her and harassing her online and in person.

Those two victims were the fifth and sixth women he had admitted stalking over a seven year period.

Dorian dodged jail in 2017 after he admitted stalking four separate women - with a community payback order imposed placing him under supervision.

Jailing Dorian in 2019, Sheriff Alastair Brown said: "Your behaviour was entirely self-centred. You can't continue to think the whole world revolves around you."

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