Aylesbury 2021-07-19

Marc Kenny 47

Paedophile football coach made and distributed indecent images of children.

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Offender ID: O-1562


Misbourne Close, Aylesbury, Buckinghamshire, HP21


45-year-old sentenced following National Crime Agency investigation

The safeguarding lead at a childrens football team in Aylesbury has been jailed for more than two years after he was found to have shared vile child abuse images online.

Marc Kenny, of Misbourne Close, Aylesbury, smashed his head onto a table until his head bled as a judge read out to him the sick messages he had sent to other online paedophiles about how much he enjoyed a video of a baby being violated.

The 45-year-old had been caught after distributing the category A image to hundreds of other predators.

He was the welfare officer and director of football at Aylesbury Town Corinthians FC at the time he was making and distributing indecent images of children, a court heard. None of the offences related to anyone connected to the club.

After he was caught by the National Crime Agency (NCA), the Football Association had been called in to help ensure the club was safeguarded and that parents were reassured.

Judge Francis Sheridan, sitting at Aylesbury Crown Court, said there was no suggestion that any of the children at the club had been abused.

Kenny had admitted making 182 category A images, 76 category B images and 227 category C images.

He also admitted distributing one category-A moving image of a baby, aged between eight months and 12 months of age, being horrifically abused.

The court heard that Kenny had sent a vile message along with the image.

As Judge Sheridan read this message out in open court during Fridays sentencing hearing, Kenny started repeatedly banging his head on a table in the video link booth at HMP Bullingdon.

Guards rushed into the room to restrain Kenny, who had a visible red mark on his forehead and was in distress while muttering inaudibly, while Judge Sheridan continued with the sentencing.

Kenny had sent the twisted video to two different group chats between September 17 and September 25 last year - in total it was received by 616 members on the paedophile site.

Sentencing Kenny, Judge Sheridan told him: You were a football coach and a founder of Aylesbury Town Corinthians Footballl Club team. You took control of the safeguarding of that club.

The club have had to work with the FA to make it clear that the club is safe for others and to reassure the parents.

There is no evidence before this court that you abused any of those children but it has been a true worry for that club and the parents as a result of this case.

Kennys wife was initiating proceedings in the family court to ensure the convicted paedophile was barred from seeing his own children, the court heard.

The NCA had discovered that Kenny was part of multiple groups where he would discuss the abuse of children.

Judge Sheridan said: You claimed that it was all fantasy. You also said that you had a problem - understatement of the year.

Kenny, of Misbourne Close, Aylesbury, was jailed for 25 months. He will also be made subject to a Sexual Harm Prevention Order for 10 years and be made to sign the sex offenders register for the same period.

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