Northumberland 2022-04-11

William Shotton 88

Naked pensioner lured boy with promise of Christmas gift then carried out sex attack.

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Offender ID: O-1546


West Street, Berwick-Upon-Tweed, TD15 1AS


William Shotton, 86, of Berwick, was found guilty of sexual activity with a child following a trial

A teenage boy was lured into a pensioner's home with the promise of a Christmas gift then subjected to a sex attack by the naked pervert.

William Shotton left a note on his front door telling the the boy, who was under 16, he had something for him and asking him to knock. When the lad knocked, Shotton open the door while standing behind it and popping his head around. He invited him in but once inside, with the door shut, he saw Shotton was completely naked.

Newcastle Crown Court heard the 86-year-old then sexually touched the boy over his clothing before he was able to escape. Now widower Shotton, never in trouble before, has been given a suspended prison sentence after a jury convicted him of sexual activity with a child, which he continues to deny.

In a victim impact statement, the boy said: "On the day it happened I remember feeling so shocked it was almost as if i couldn't quite believe what had just happened. I felt ashamed and embarrassed, especially when I had to tell my parents. It was the first time since I was a small child I really cried. I felt I had let my parents down by being in that position.

"I felt so guilty and directed all of this to the people who cared and were trying to help me. My school work was affected and I now find it difficult to trust other people. I now avoid the area of Berwick if I'm out and avoid going there."

The court heard the offence happened in January 2020. The victim saw a note on Shotton's door suggesting he had a Christmas card and cash and he drew a heart at the bottom of it. Having been let in, the door was closed and the lad was standing in the passageway as Shotton went to get the promised items from another room.

Sentencing him, Judge Paul Sloan QC said: "As you made your way there, he realised you were completely naked. On your return to the passageway you asked how old he was and he told you. Having handed over the card, he turned and went towards the front door. The locking mechanism was difficult to operate and he had trouble opening it.

"You came up to him from behind and slipped your hand on to the back of his thigh and to his bottom, over his clothing and asked if he had ever w*****. You moved your other hand under his genitals and squeezed them over his clothing."

The boy managed to get the door open and escape. Judge Sloan added: "There was a degree of planning, you having lured him into your home, placing him in an extremely vulnerable situation."

Shotton, of West Street, Berwick, Northumberland, was sentenced to six months suspended for two years with a four month curfew. He was also made subject to a sexual harm prevention order and must register as a sex offender, both for seven years.

Mark Styles, defending, says Shotton continues to deny the offence. He added: "He is not in the best of health and this has caused him a great deal of turmoil. It would be a crushing blow to send a man of his age and infirmity into a custodial environment. He would simply not cope."

The court heard he had served in the army and had a good work ethic.

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