Yorkshire 2014-05-21

Adam Greenhough 36

Pervert who abused boy of 13

Profile Picture
Offender ID: O-1394


Mixenden Court, Halifax, HX2 8QH


A pervert who sexually abused a 13-year-old schoolboy has been jailed for three years.

Adam Greenhough, 30, drove over to the Bradford area in January 2011 to pick up the boy after school and a judge heard yesterday that the teenager was still wearing his school uniform when he was driven on to moorland where the abuse took place.

Bradford Crown Court heard how Greenhough, who has since been diagnosed with Aspergers Syndrome and autism, initially contacted the boy through an internet chat site which was meant for over 18s. But before their meeting he became aware that the youngster, who cannot be identified for legal reasons, was under 16.

Judge Peter Benson said despite that Greenhough, who had no previous convictions, went on to arrange a meeting with the teenager where the sexual abuse took place.

The judge said Greenhough, who was himself 26 at the time, must have appreciated that the complainant was much younger than him and a vulnerable young man.

You, nonetheless, went on to seek sexual gratification with him, said the Judge Benson.

Greenhough had always denied the offences until he entered guilty pleas in March this year and last September a previous trial at which the complainant gave evidence had to be abandoned.

Judge Benson said the impact statement relating to Greenhoughs offences indicated the strain and misery suffered by the boy and his family as a result of his refusal to accept his responsibility until a late stage.

Greenhough, of Mixenden Court, Halifax, pleaded guilty in March to two offences of sexual activity with a child and one of meeting the youngster after sexual grooming.

In addition to the three-year prison sentence, Judge Benson made an order banning Greenhough from having any contact with the boy again. And he will also have to register as a sex offender with the police for the rest of his life.

Barrister Edward Bindloss submitted that a suspended prison sentence could be considered in his clients case, particularly bearing in mind his difficulties and the impact that any prison sentence would have on him.

Mr Bindloss pointed out that the case did not involved any threats or inducements towards the young boy and Judge Benson accepted that it was not the usual case of predatory grooming.

This was out of character and there is no pattern of misbehaviour,'' said Mr Bindloss. It is a single incident and it is three-and-a-half years ago. In the three-and-a-half years there has been no repeat of this incident at all.

After the case Detective Inspector Chris Stones, of West Yorkshire Polices Protective Services Department, said: Greenhough took advantage of his victims age and vulnerability to carry out a sex attack on him. I would like to thank the victim for his courage in coming forward, and hope that the sentence passed down today will give him some closure.

West Yorkshire Police will always investigate offences involving the abuse of children thoroughly and sensitively, with a view to bringing those responsible to justice.

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