Bedford 2022-03-09

Alex Henney 66

Sexually abusing two young girls in the 90s.

Profile Picture
Offender ID: O-1382


Luton, Bedfordshire & County Kenagh, Ireland


A man has been jailed for seven years for sexually abusing two young girls in the 90s.

Alex Henney, from County Kenagh, Ireland, subjected two girls to multiple sexual assaults between 1995 and 1997.

Henny, who resided in Luton at the time of the incidents, was sentenced at Luton Crown Court on Friday (4 March), after being found guilty of three counts of indecent assault of a child.

Bedfordshire Polices Protecting Vulnerable Persons (PVP) unit carried out an investigation after a disclosure was made to police in 2018.

Following extensive enquires, Henney was extradited from Ireland to the UK for trial.

PC Benjamin Robertson, from the PVP unit, who lead the investigation, said: There is a huge focus in policing to bring to justice anyone involved in violence and abuse against women and girls.

Henneys victims have shown true courage and strength of character throughout the investigation and I commend their bravery in speaking up.

This hasnt been easy for either of the victims and their families to deal with.

Child sexual abuse is a most horrendous experience; it not only ruins their young years, but stays with them through into adulthood. We will never tolerate this type of crime in our county and will do all we can to support victims and put these perpetrators behind bars.

If anything has happened to you, no matter how long ago, it is never too late to come forward and tell us. We will do everything we can to get justice for you, and we have a number of specially trained officers who are here to support you.

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