Swansea 2019-07-03

Vincent Matthews 61

Former taxi driver raped child dozens of times.

Profile Picture
Offender ID: O-1357


Cwrt Cilmeri, Morriston, Swansea, Wales, SA66


A businessman and former taxi driver raped a girl dozens of times over two years.

Vincent Matthews groomed his victim, who was under the age of 13, into thinking she was in a relationship with him.

But instead the former director of Morriston RFC was abusing his victim.

The 56-year-old, of Cwrt Cilmeri in Morriston, pleaded guilty to six counts of raping a girl under 13 and two counts of attempted sexual assault.

Swansea Crown Court was told the actual number of offences was estimated to be "dozens".

John Hipkin, prosecuting, told the court Matthews' grooming had "succeeded in making her (the girl) believe she was in a relationship with him."

He added: "He began by squeezing her leg and kissing and cuddling.

"She did not know about or understand anything sexual, but this proceeded to taking her upstairs to a bedroom, paying her compliments, suggesting she take a bath, and proceeded to having sexual intercourse with her.

"She mentioned pinning her arms down to achieve the act, but it is emphasised by the Crown this case is one of extensive grooming.

"He would put a blanket over her mouth to prevent her screaming. He told her not to tell anyone what they were doing."

Susan Ferrier, defending Matthews, said: "It is clear he is somebody who does need help and by pleading guilty he is making himself available to whatever help is available during what he accepts will be a long sentence.

"He apologises not just to you (the judge) but to the victim and her family and his family. He has lost everything.

"He had his own business, that is gone. He will have a long time in custody to reflect what from the outside looked like the life of a successful middle age man and that is something he has to live with."

Sentencing Matthews, Judge Paul Thomas said: "You deliberately and cynically set out to rape a girl when you were in your mid fifties.

"At her age she was not only never mature enough to consent with what you were doing, it is highly questionable she understood the significance of what you were doing to her at that age.

"She does not. As is almost inevitable in these cases it has had a profound long term impact on her both psychologically and emotionally.

"These offences do not end when acts ends. There are consequences that go on for years and years and years.

"I suspect Mr Matthews, I do not have to tell you because you are an intelligent man.

"Your earlier involvement with the court system did not dissuade you.

"Your concern was only for your own sexual needs. You pursued her and made her consider you were in a romantic relationship with her. You were not. Your paedophile lust was your motivation.

"Your level of persistent, cynical opportunism and inability to control your attraction to pre-pubescent children means you clearly represent a very significant risk to pre-pubescent children in the future."

He added: "[After] Your business and sporting standing of many years, your public fall from grace is precipitous."

Judge Thomas gave Matthews an extended sentence of 23 years, with 16 years in custody and an extended seven years on licence.

He was also made subject to a sexual prevention order for life, and made to sign the sex offenders' register.

Speaking after the sentencing, Detective Chief Inspector Gareth Morgan, of South Wales Police, said: We would like to praise the bravery of the victim for coming forward.

Investigating sexual violence is a priority for South Wales Police and we are committed to investigating all reports of sexual abuse - regardless of when they occurred - in order to ensure that those who exploit the most vulnerable members of society are brought to justice."

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