Oxford 2022-03-30

Clayton Moiloa 29

Raped a child when he was in his teens.

Profile Picture
Offender ID: O-1349


HMP Bullingdon


A RAPISTS supporter shouted you lot are d***heads from the public gallery as a judge jailed his friend for four-and-a-half years.

Clayton Moiloa, 27, had denied raping the girl, who cannot be identified for legal reasons, when he was in his early teens in the late 2000s.

But jurors at Oxford Crown Court found him guilty of two counts of rape in January. He was acquitted of other, similar, charges.

On Monday, as Judge Maria Lamb told Moiloa you are a sex offender and would remain on the sex offender register for the rest of his life, a man in the public gallery was heard to snort and repeat hes not.

All you lot are d***heads, he said.

Hes not a sex offender. Hes not.

During the trial, jurors heard that the victim initially told a friend with whom she played computer games online about Moiloas assaults.

Her mother spoke to her in 2016 about going to the police, but it wasnt until after she disclosed the assaults to a support worker in November 2019 that detectives became involved.

The girl was said to have suffered flashbacks to what happened.

Mitigating, Alistair Grainger said his client had had a shocking start in his life. He was exposed to domestic violence at an early age and suffered it himself, the court heard.

As a youth and young man, he was in and out of court. However, he had no convictions for serious violence or sexual offending, Mr Grainger said as he tried to convince the judge that Moiloa should not receive an extended sentence as a dangerous offender.

Sentencing Moiloa to four-and-a-half years imprisonment, Judge Lamb noted the defendants mitigation, including his educational difficulties and mental health problems.

You were somebody who experienced domestic violence both by witnessing it [happening] to other family members and you also experienced it and were a recipient of domestic abuse violence towards you as well in your young years, she said.

You were clearly a troubled youngster. The report both of the psychologist and the author of the pre-sentence report makes that clear.

Judge Lamb said that, had Moiloa been an older youth when he carried out the assaults, she would have taken a starting point of nine years imprisonment.

However, she reduced it to four-and-a-half years bearing in mindthat you were very young, you were very troubled at the time.

She said she was not finding Moiloa to be a dangerous offender, as he had not gone on to commit offences that would attract an extended sentence.

Moiloa, now of HMP Bullingdon but formerly of Oxford, was made subject to indefinite sexual harm prevention and restraining orders limiting his access to children and banning him from contacting his victim.

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