Swindon 2022-03-22

Mustafa Naro Ali 32

Serial sex offender raped sex worker.

Profile Picture
Offender ID: O-1298


No fixed address.


A SERIAL sex offender with a perverse sense of entitlement left a vulnerable woman feeling disgusting and awful after he raped and sexually assaulted her.

Mustafa Naro Ali exploited the sex worker after seeing her in his street, approaching her and arranging to have sex with her for 20.

But when they got inside, Ali treated her like a ragdoll, trying to rip her clothes off and was so aggressive she began to cry.

It left her with internal injuries and the 30-year-old was described as having little if no regard for the victims of his crimes referring to her as just a sex worker in a pre-sentence report.

He was jailed for 10 years at Portsmouth Crown Court on Friday (March 18), with Recorder Simon Foster labelling him dangerous.

Ali, now of no fixed abode but previously of East Street, had been convicted of one count of rape and one count of sexual assault in a trial at Swindon Crown Court last year.

Prosecutor Rob Welling said the victim, an alcoholic and heroin user, was near Alis address collecting a debt in April 2021 when he approached her. The defendant very quickly established in his own mind she was a sex worker, and arranged to have sex for 20, he told the court.

They went back to his flat, and once they were alone, almost immediately he tried to rip her clothes off, treating her like a rag doll.

Mr Welling continued: [He] treated her so aggressively that she protested and cried, but he didnt care. She said she was crying throughout and when the defendant eventually left, he left the flat telling her he was going to get some more alcohol.

He said that the defendant knew from her appearance she was a drug user and exploited [her] as a result].

His attitude was he paid for it, he was going to have it, regardless. That is borne out by his attitudes with the author of the pre-sentence report.

The court was also told about Alis previous crimes. Among the list of his sexual offences include licking his lips and asking a group of 13-year-old girls if they wanted to come back to his flat to smoke drugs, masturbating on a bench in public and pressing himself against two women shopping in Boots.

This was a defendant that could not contain his sexual urges and had little if no regard for the victims of his crimes, Mr Welling concluded.

In a victim impact statement, the victim said: What happened to me made me feel disgusting and awful, I was scared to report what happened because I am ashamed of what I am.

My life is a mess and I sex work on the street. I didnt think the police would believe me and I thought Id be laughed out of court.

My experience was very different. On the date I found out the verdict I felt I had some worth as a human being.

The outcome of my case has helped me to remind myself that I have to be positive and work towards recovery.

Sentencing Ali, Recorder Foster said that Alis aggressive behaviour led to the victim withdrawing consent for sex.

The ongoing effects of what you did to her are only too evident, he continued. As I have said she was plainly a person in a vulnerable state.

Your antecedence revealed in my judgement a troubling past. The author of the report has come to the conclusion that you are a very high risk of serious harm to the public, that harm being of sexual abuse and sexual violence.

Your attitude to this offence bears that out. In interview you denied, as you did at trial, there being any penetration. You claimed consent, and your attitude which was made plain in the course of the preparation of the report, illustrated what you went on to say, that she is just a sex worker.

You acted out a perverse sense of entitlement, and attitudes like that are abhorrent to all right-thinking members of the public.

Ali was jailed for eight-and-a-half years for rape, and three years for sexual assault, which will be served concurrently.

However, Recorder Foster also sentenced the defendant for a separate assault, where in 2020 he hit a prison officer with a mop and bit an officer on the shoulder at HMP Bullingdon. The attack has seen the officer look for another job.

He was given another one year and six months for assault occasioning actual bodily harm and assaulting an emergency worker which he admitted and will serve the sentences consecutively.

It resulted in a total jail sentence of 10 years. On release, Ali will be subject to an extended licence period of four years and a sexual harm prevention order.

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