Middlesbrough 2022-03-22

Paul Foxton 62

Paedophile caught with a picture of a 'child being abused in a high chair'.

Profile Picture
Offender ID: O-1293


Eldon Walk, Thornaby, Stockton-On-Tees, TS1


A pervert who uploaded an indecent image of a child onto Facebook Messenger has avoided prison.

When police raided Paul Foxton's home, the 60-year-old was caught with over 300 illegal images of children being sexually abused.

Teesside Crown Court has heard that Foxton's social media account was referred to Cleveland Police in January of last year; officers then turned up at Foxton's Thornaby address a few weeks later, in March.

Police found 27 category A images - the most serious cases of children being sexually abused; 32 category B images and 251 category C images and videos on Foxton's Samsung phone and two tablets.

The defendant, of Elden Walk in Thornaby, pleaded guilty to three counts of making indecent images of children at an earlier hearing.

Prosecutor Ellen Wright told the court that some of the pictures showed very young children being sexually abused - including one child who was in a high chair. The videos showed children in "obvious pain and distress".

Forensic officers also uncovered a systematic search history for the most serious images showing children being sexually abused, as well as for familial sexual abuse. The court heard that when Foxton was interviewed by police, he said he didn't "much like" the illegal material, and that he was just curious.

John Wood, defending, said that Foxton had eventually accepted that he had "an element of sexual interest" in the illegal content. Mr Wood said that his client has a brain injury which has left his lonely and depressed. He has separated from his wife and lockdown left him even more isolated.

Foxton's son sat with his head in his hands listening to the court hearing in the public gallery.

Judge Christopher Smith told Foxton "At the end of the camera there is a child being sexually abused - which can have a life-changing effect on them. After no doubt some probing by the probation officer, you were able to admit you have a sexual interest in prepubescent children.

"This offending is serious but in your case I'm entirely satisfied that this indicates a good chance of rehabilitation".

The judge handed Foxton a 10-month prison sentence, suspended for 18-months. Foxton was ordered to attend 40 rehabilitation days; he was placed under curfew from 8pm-7am, which will be monitored by an electronic tag.

Foxton will sign the sex offenders' register for 10-years and was made the subject of a sexual harm prevention order - so that police can monitor his online usage.

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