Cambridgeshire 2022-03-21

Robert Mills 50

Paedophile who let woman and young child stay in his home.

Profile Picture
Offender ID: O-1287


Burberry Court, Littleport, Ely, CB6


A sex offender who invited a woman and her young son to stay at his home has been sent to back prison.

Robert Mills, of Burberry Court, Littleport, was told he has "blatantly ignored" the conditions of his Sexual Harm Prevention Order by inviting the woman and her child into his home - without them knowing about his previous convictions.

Mills was found to have 5,879 indecent images of children stored at his home in Bassingbourn in 2017.

He was jailed for three years, given a sexual harm prevention order (SHPO), and made to sign the Sex Offenders Register indefinitely.

The 48-year-old was found to have breached the conditions of his SHPO and Sex Offenders Register obligations at Cambridge Crown Court on Thursday, March 17, and has been sent back to prison.

Mills began messaging the woman in the summer of 2021.

In September, the woman started regularly staying at Mills' home in Littleport.

But Mills had failed to tell the police that a woman and child were staying at his home - a breach of the SHPO - and he had not disclosed his previous offences.

The woman contacted police on September 22, 2021 when she discovered Mills' previous convictions.

He admitted to breaching the SHPO and failing to comply with the Sex Offenders Register requirements in court.

Mills was jailed for a further two years and four months.

DC Andrew McKeane, of Cambridgeshire Constabulary, has said that Mills hoped to hide his breach of the SHPO from police.

DC McKeane said: "Mills was fully aware of the obligations of his SHPO and the notification requirements but chose to blatantly ignore them in the hope police would not find out.

"Thankfully the woman was able to confirm to police that the child had at no point been left alone in his company."

DC McKeane added that the case highlights the importance of Sarah's Law - police guidance introduced following the murder of Sarah Payne, aged 8, by a convicted sex offender in 2000.

It signposts people to the Child Sex Offender Disclosure Scheme which lets members of the public ask the police whether someone who has contact with children poses any risk.

DC McKeane said: "If youre starting a new relationship and have children, please contact police and make a disclosure application to ensure the person isnt posing a risk."

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