Edinburgh 2022-03-16

Khalid Alsrooji 37

Rapist jailed for attacks on sleeping women.

Profile Picture
Offender ID: O-1284


Robertson Gait, Gorgie, Edinburgh, EH11


A former Scottish government security guard who raped one woman and sexually assaulted another as they slept has been jailed for eight years.

Khalid Alsrooji, 35, attacked his victims at flats in Edinburgh after meeting them on nights out.

Both women woke to find themselves partially undressed with Alsrooji attempting to have sex with them.

One victim was later found to have traces of drugs in her blood although she said she had not taken any.

The 23-year-old woman told the High Court in Edinburgh she did not remember leaving a city venue before the attack.

She said: "My next memory is waking up on a couch facing the wall in an unknown flat."

She said she told her attacker: "No, stop." The woman told the court: "I didn't have enough energy to move or do anything about it. I couldn't move or open my eyes."

Her ordeal was reported to police after she went to hospital following the assault.

Common features

Alsrooji, of Robertson Gait in Edinburgh, had denied the offences but was found guilty of raping one woman and sexually assaulting another with intent to rape her.

Judge Lord Weir said Alsrooji, who had previously held jobs as a Scottish government guard and a nightclub doorman, had taken advantage of his victims when they were in vulnerable circumstances.

The judge told him: "You were found guilty after trial of two serious charges involving different complainers on different occasions, in circumstances which disclosed common features."

Lord Weir said that on both occasions the women were not previously known to father-of-one Alsrooji.

Defence solicitor advocate Krista Johnston said that Sudanese-born Alsrooji continued to maintain his innocence, but was assessed as posing a medium risk of further offending.

He was placed on the sex offenders register indefinitely.

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