Clwyd 2022-03-18

James Aspinall 25

Manipulative rapist with a pattern of targeting young girls.

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Offender ID: O-1283


Clwyd, Wales


AN 'EXTREMELY' manipulative rapist with a 'pattern of targeting young girls' has been handed a life sentence.

James Thomas Aspinall, 23, of no fixed abode, appeared via videolink at Mold Crown Court on Friday, March 18.

Charged with two counts of rape and one of assault causing ABH, he was handed a life sentence by Judge Timothy Petts.

Simon Mills, prosecuting, told the court that the incidents took place in November 2019 when Aspinall was 20.

The court was told that the incidents took place at a communal living area of some flats in Connah's Quay.

Aspinall was alone with his victim and became angry towards her over 'her behaviour earlier that night'.

He hit her with a chair, hit her across the face and 'placed both hands' over her throat. The first count of rape that night took place moments after.

After she had told him she thought she might already be pregnant from before that night, he proceeded to kick her in the stomach.

The court heard how the victim was 'isolated' and had no way of getting home from the flats. Aspinall then pressured her to stay again, taking her phone away from her.

After finding texts to her friends on that phone asking for them to help her find a way home that night, he became angry again and raped her a second time.

In the victim personal statement read out in court, she said Aspinall had 'made it feel normal' for her to be in a relationship where she was hit and raped.

It added that the incidents had had a 'massive impact on her life and how she views herself' and led to her losing her 'confidence, happiness, dignity and her real self'.

The statement added that the incidents had also impacted on life with her current partner and that she had been diagnosed with PTSD, anxiety and depression.

Aspinall was described as 'extremely manipulative' in court, with a 'very concerning' psychiatric report concluding that he posed a high risk of serious offending if set free from jail.

Dafydd Roberts defending said the defendant had 'opened up' to psychiatrists and that 'a number of issues were raised'.

He added that Aspinall had 'a lot of maturing and developing to do' and that 'only time could allow that'.

Roberts also said that Aspinall would have to 'persuade the authorities that he is safe to be released'. He added that he is someone who would have to be 'monitored very, very carefully upon release whenever that may be.'

In his closing remarks, Judge Petts said he 'hoped some closure' could come for the victim over time and apologised for the length of time it took for the case to arrive before the crown court.

He said the psychiatric report showed that Aspinall took 'a fascination in controlling others' and a 'pattern of targeting young girls for his own sexual gratification'.

He said that, as he 'could not predict when that risk would end', he had no other choice but to give out a life sentence.

Aspinall was sentenced to a minimum of nine years and 10 months in prison on two counts of rape. Judge Petts said he would only be eligible for parole after this period of time.

A restraining order without a length of time was also put in place and he faced no separate penalty for the assault charge.

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