Merseyside 2022-03-18

Robert Trigg 34

Child rapist kept photos of himself abusing boy in 'keep safe vault'.

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Offender ID: O-1264


Fairclough Crescent, Haydock, St. Helens, Merseyside, WA11


A child rapist took sick photographs of himself abusing a little boy.

Robert Trigg had been accessing child porn images from the internet, the National Crime Agency found in May last year. Officers raided his home and seized electronic items from his bedroom including his iPhone.

Arthur Gibson, prosecuting, said when the phone was forensically examined indecent images were found. Liverpool Crown Court heard there were 36 images in the most serious category of abuse, 38 in the next category and 137 in the least serious group.

It was noticed there were three images in each category showing the same young boy and police were able to identify the victim. Mr Gibson said that the offences had taken place when the boy was aged between three and five.

Pervert Trigg had moved the images, showing him and the boy both naked engaged in inappropriate sexual behaviour, to a secure keep safe vault on his phone so that he could look at them whenever he wanted. Trigg, of Fairclough Crescent, Haydock, pleaded guilty to oral rape of the child, two offences of causing or inciting him to engage in sexual activity and three offences of taking indecent photographs of the boy.

The court heard since those offences Trigg was convicted of three offences of downloading a total of 147 indecent images in all three categories of seriousness, for which he received a community order. Jailing him for 11 and a half years with an extended licence of 12 months Judge Denis Watson, QC described his behaviour as involving grotesque and serious offending.

He said he would sentence him on the basis the victim had been aged five and that the offences all took place on the same day. Judge Watson said that he had kept the images so you could access them if you wished to do so.

He added reports showed Trigg poses a high risk of re-offending against children. The judge ordered him to sign on the Sex Offenders Register for life and imposed a Sexual Harm Prevention Order to last indefinitely.

Paul Becker, defending, said Trigg was an intelligent man who had 13 GCSEs and had worked in various roles including the hotel industry. Mr Becker said: Sadly his life has been blighted by alcohol.

He added Trigg had been involved in working for the charity, the HoneyRose Foundation in St Helens. Mr Becker said: He accepts full responsibility for these terrible offences and is thoroughly ashamed of himself.

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