Glasgow 2022-03-17

Alexander Rafferty 58

Serial Glasgow rapist ripped off woman's clothes and choked her in terrifying attack.

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Offender ID: O-1256


Royston, Glasgow, G21


Alexander Rafferty was jailed for six years and handed an Order for Lifelong Restriction at the High Court in Glasgow after being found guilty of horrific sex attacks on three women.

A serial rapist who once cheated death after plunging from the top tier of Celtic Park has been handed a life sentence.

Alexander Rafferty put three women through horrendous ordeals, including two who were effectively strangers.

The 56 -year-old told one of the victims: "I will show you what f*****g rape is."

He also made a woman stare terrified into his eyes as he attacked her.

Lady Rae imposed an Order for Lifelong Restriction (OLR) at the High Court in Glasgow.

Rafferty returned to the dock having been convicted last August of three rape charges.

He must also serve a minimum six years behind bars.

Rafferty made headlines in 1999 when he tumbled from the Jock Stein stand at Parkhead during a powderkeg Celtic and Rangers clash.

He remarkably only suffered a broken nose following the horror fall.

Rafferty was captured on TV waving and giving a thumbs up as he was stretchered out the ground.

But the rapist showed no emotion as he was led handcuffed back to the cells.

The crimes happened between August 2018 and April 2020 at a flat in the city's Wyndford and at the predator's home in Royston.

The first victim had been in a relationship with Rafferty.

The woman - who has since passed away - told police how Rafferty once flew into a rage because she was not getting ready fast enough prior to a night out.

Recalling a sex attack, she said Rafferty vowed to show her what "f*****g rape is".

She added: "He ripped off my clothes. He was choking me and I could hardly breathe.

"I could not get the words out, he was choking me that much."

Rafferty got chatting to the next victim in Glasgow city centre in late January 2020 and she went back to his flat.

He went on to threaten her, demanded she take off her clothes and refused to let her leave.

After Rafferty raped her, the terrified woman dialled 999 - but ended up too scared to speak on the phone.

The final victim was abused in a similar way after Rafferty again took her back to his home.

She ended up attacking Rafferty with a screwdriver to get him away.

The woman fled from the flat, ran away and managed to flag down a passing police officer.

Prosecutor David Logan said at the trial construction worker Rafferty had been "predatory, opportunistic and sexually abusive" with his victims.

Iain McSporran QC, defending, told the hearing yesterday: "It will be apparent (from pre-sentencing reports) that he maintains an emphatic denial of his guilt.

"He feels that he is being punished for maintaining the denial and is being expected to admit to something that is not true."

Lady Rae said Rafferty was a "callous individual" who has shown "no remorse".

Sentencing, the judge also said: "All of the rapes were violent and degrading.

"What is so disturbing is that some of the evidence suggested you were enjoying what you were doing.

"In one case, you insisted that a victim looked into your eyes while she was being raped."

She stated Rafferty will not be freed until he is deemed "no longer a serious risk to the public".

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