Merseyside 2022-03-09

Melvin Miller 48

Paedophile has pleaded guilty to further sexual offences against a young girl.

Profile Picture
Offender ID: O-1134


St. Helens, Merseyside


A CONVICTED paedophile has pleaded guilty to further sexual offences against a young girl.

Melvin Miller, 46 and originally from St Helens, was jailed in April 2020 for 17 years after pleading guilty to 35 sexual offences against two girls.

While he was in prison, one of the girls he abused told an adult about other rapes that she was subjected to by the defendant on a regular basis.

Police made further investigations and found a video on the hard drive of Millers computer that showed him raping her.

The evidence was sent to the Crown Prosecution Service and authorisation was given for Miller to be charged with further offences

Today (March 8, 2022) at Liverpool Crown Court, Miller pleaded guilty to offences of rape, attempted rape and taking indecent images of a child.

He will be sentenced at a later date.

In a statement Senior Crown Prosecutor Mairead Neeson, a specialist lawyer with CPS Mersey Cheshires Rape and Serious Sexual Offences (RASSO) unit, said: The video evidence of the abuse of this very young girl found on the hard drive of Melvins Millers computer was harrowing and revealed the level of depravity he had inflicted upon her.

This young girl could not possibly have understood what she was being forced into she was just a means to an end for Miller.

"The feelings and emotions of this young child meant nothing to him. She now has to find a way forward in her life, having suffered such trauma.

She was unable to disclose the full extent of the abuse she had suffered when Miller was prosecuted in 2020, given her tender years and the inherent difficulty that exists for very young children to voice matters of such an intimate nature.

"This often happens. It is not unusual for children to deny the abuse they have suffered or be silent as to what has happened.

"It often takes years for victims of sexual abuse to vocalise what has happened to them. She has been exceptionally brave in coming forward despite still being a very young child.

The Crown Prosecution Service works hard to support the victims of child sexual abuse and their families and help them through the criminal justice system. Time is no barrier to a prosecution.

"We will listen to victims, no matter how long ago the offending took place.

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