Shetland 2001-10-17

Lief Olaf Henriccssen 92

Pensioner who made a young girl dress up as a nun and sexually abused her.

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Offender ID: O-1088


Shetland & Aberdeen


A PERVERT pensioner who made a young girl dress up as a nun and sexually abused her was jailed for seven years yesterday.

Lief Olaf Henriccssen, 70, filmed the abuse and told the schoolgirl he would shoot her family.

Lord Marnoch who was shown some of the explicit images said: I have seldom seen such a shocking case.

He imposed an extended sentence of 10 years seven years in custody and then three years on licence under supervision.

The girls mum, comforting her daughter, said afterwards: Its every mothers nightmare but its a victory for the victims and he needs to be off the streets.

First offender Henriccssen abused the schoolgirl when she was aged between just 11 and 13.

The retired storekeeper had earlier admitted having unlawful sexual intercourse with the girl, lewd and libidinous behaviour and taking indecent photos in the late 1990s and was sentenced at the High Court in Aberdeen yesterday.

Drew McKenzie, prosecuting, had told the court that the abuse happened on Shetland when the girl visited Henriccssens house.

He said: The child explains that as the abuse continued she felt intimidated by the accused, who apparently informed her that he would shoot her family if she did not stay with him in the house.

It was that which caused the young girl not to tell her mother what was happening to her.

The court heard he pretended the girl had to use his computer to communicate with an email penfriend he claimed to have set up for her.

The pervert took indecent photographs of the girl and asked her to dress up, including in a nuns costume.

Henriccssens crimes were only exposed when the girls mother was having a general conversation with her about sex education and she indicated she had been touched by the pensioner.

Police took video tapes from his home and found footage of Henriccssen performing sex acts with the girl.

Some indecent images had also been transferred onto computer.

The defence team said the guilty plea saved the girl the ordeal of giving evidence in a trial and seeing the images.

But Lord Marnoch said: Over a period of some 18 months you quite simply debauched a child.

You used lewd and indecent behaviour towards her and regularly had unlawful sexual intercourse with her.

As if that was not enough you also took a large number of disgustingly pornographic photographs of her.

Henriccssen, who had moved from Shetland to Aberdeen in the wake of the case, was also placed on the Sex Offenders Register.

Outside the court, the girls mum said: No sentence is long enough but it seems fairly fair.

We are just glad that this man is no longer free to harm any more children.

As for her abused daughter, the mother said: She does not want to talk about it but I think she is beginning to come out the other side.

When it came out it was a big burden off her shoulders.

She has been progressing and hopefully she will continue to progress.

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