Yorkshire 2022-03-01

Dwight Williams n/a

Caught with indecent images of children, including some in the worst category of abuse.

Profile Picture
Offender ID: O-1068


High Street, Loftus, TS13


But the judge dismissed the claims and jailed Dwight Williams for a year

A judge shot down suggestions that a pervert broke the rules of a sex offenders' order due to his dyslexia.

Dwight Williams was slapped with a Sexual Harm Prevention Order (SHPO) in December after being caught with indecent images of children, including some in the worst category of abuse.

But within weeks, the Loftus paedophile was caught breaching the order.

A judge shot down suggestions that a pervert broke the rules of a sex offenders' order due to his dyslexia.

Dwight Williams was slapped with a Sexual Harm Prevention Order (SHPO) in December after being caught with indecent images of children, including some in the worst category of abuse.

But within weeks, the Loftus paedophile was caught breaching the order.

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Teesside Crown Court heard on Tuesday how Williams was expected to declare any devices or equipment which could store images.

But when police turned up to check he was following the rules, he was arrested for four breaches.

Prosecuting, Rachel Masters said: "On February 1, police attended his home address to carry out a routine review as part of his sentence regime and asked for a inspection of his devices.

"He pointed out a number of different devices including a Playstation, hard drive and a laptop."

But a search then revealed two USB sticks and a mobile phone, which he had not declared.

"The mobile phone was checked and it was established he had been using Snapchat," said Ms Masters.

"He had sent and received in excess of 1,000 which had been deleted."

As the Snapchat app automatically deletes the images and messages after they have been read, it was impossible to see what had been posted.

And Williams had therefore been banned from using the app.

The court also heard he had been cautioned prior to this offending by failing to register one of his aliases.

Williams, of High Street in Loftus, admitted the four breaches of the order.

Kelleigh Lodge, defending, said he was in stable accommodation and was "quite a religious individual who has tried to make use of that on remand".

She also said his dyslexia "takes him longer to understand certain things".

"He now seems to have a better understanding of the SHPO so that would hopefully prevent any futther offending in the future," she added.

Judge Jonathan Carroll said it was "a deliberate breach" and jailed Williams for a year and extended his SHPO by another five years.

He told him: "Police asked you to identify any relevant equipment or devices that linked up to the internet.

"Your dyslexia could not have impacted on your understanding of that."

He said Williams' offending had "driven a coach and horses" through the order which was aimed at safeguarding children.

"It's precisely why these orders are made and must be followed," he said.

"I do not accept any explanation that you did not understand what was required, you simply failed to comply with it."

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