Newport 2021-07-27

Peter Warry 48

Paedophile was caught in an online sting after a decoy tricked him by offering him two young girls for sex..

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Offender ID: O-1062


Chepstow Road, Newport, South Wales, NP19


A SERIAL paedophile was caught in an online sting after a decoy tricked him by offering him two young girls for sex.

Peter Warry, 46, of Chepstow Road, Newport, was the prey in an entrapment operation, prosecutor Matthew Roberts.

Cardiff Crown Court heard the defendant thought he was grooming a 13-year-old girl but Sienna was a fictional character used to lure him in.

Warry was also sharing vile child abuse images on social media via the Kik and WhatsApp platforms.

He also had previous convictions for sexual crimes against children and was jailed at Derby Crown Court for 12 months in 2012 for distributing indecent images.

Warrys latest offending occurred over the past 14 months.

He pleaded guilty to the distribution and possession of indecent images of children.

The defendant was found with 85 pictures at the most serious level of category A, 25 at category B and 19 at category C.

Warry also admitted that he attempted to engage in sexual communication with a child and attempted to cause a child aged 13 to 15 to watch/look at an image of sexual activity.

He also pleaded guilty to failing to comply with notification requirements.

Ieuan Bennett, representing Warry, said in mitigation: He knows he needs help.

His barrister added how his client said he had ruined his own life.

Judge Huw Rees told the defendant: A decoy was offering you, unbelievably, two young girls for sex.

He added: Your previous convictions are a serious aggravating factor in this case.

You have said that your life has been left in ruins but you have nobody to blame for that but yourself.

Warry was jailed for four years and four months and ordered to register as a sex offender for life.

He was made the subject of a sexual harm prevention order until 2036.

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