Merseyside 2022-02-23

Alan Airey 39

Convicted paedophile formed relationship with mum and young kids and hid past.

Profile Picture
Offender ID: O-0996


No fixed address.


A convicted paedophile formed a relationship with a mum of two young children without telling her about his past.

Alan Airey, 37, met the woman via Facebook after his release in April last year following a four and a half year sentence for child sexual assault and grooming.

He used a false surname and began staying over with the woman, her children and a young teenage girl who also shared the Merseyside house.

Liverpool Crown Court heard that the woman had been "shocked and concerned" when she learnt of his past, but Airey, who appeared via video link from prison, told the court she was actually visiting to bring in his underwear tomorrow.

His behaviour, which was banned by a Sexual Harm Prevention Order, (SHPO) had come to light after police received an anonymous phone call saying a convicted paedophile was staying at the house.

Claire Jones, prosecuting, said: It was made following a newspaper article publicising matters about the defendant."

On January 23, police found Airey upstairs and when arrested he initially made no reply, but a few minutes later he said, Is it because Im here?

Liverpool Crown Court heard that the woman said she knew he had been released from prison but he had told her he had been inside for robbery.

She said she was unaware he had a conviction for sexual offences.

Miss Jones said that the woman knew him as Alan Clegg and he also used another surname and sent her a friend message on Facebook around last Christmas which led to them exchanging numbers.

Miss Jones told the court: He visited on January 7 and their relationship began from there. He had been there at the address on a number of occasions and stayed overnight for up to three days at a time.

The woman said they had normal family time together in the house and sometimes he was alone with the two young children while she was elsewhere in the house.

The court was told that he had also sometimes been alone with the young teenage girl while she was out collecting her children from school.

Miss Jones said that the girl was spoken to and she confirmed that nothing untoward had occurred between them.

She added: When interviewed Airey made full and frank admissions and admitted he had not told his supervising officers that he had been staying at the house and had commenced an intimate relationship with the woman.

Airey was acting in breach of the SHPO and was also in breach of six of the conditions of his licence from prison. He has since been recalled and is not due for release before June next year.

The court heard he has 26 previous convictions for 53 offences although the only sexual offences occurred in 2018 for which he was jailed the following year and involved sexual activity with two teenage girls and grooming another girl aged under 16.

Airey, of Halkyn Road, Chester, pleaded guilty to being in breach of the Sexual Harm Prevention Order.

Jeremy Rawson, defending, said that Airey is motivated to change and was considered suitable for a Cheshire pilot project for such offenders which involves rigorous supervision after release.

He said there had been local and national publicity about Aireys previous conviction and so he had used his mums maiden name on release.

Jailing him for two years the judge, Recorder Katherine Pierpoint said that a probation officer said he had been making "real efforts" to turn his life around but this was tempered by the fact he had not told the officer about his new relationship.

The judge added: "This was a very serious and persistent breach lasting for for about a month and you stayed on a number of occasions at that address. The risk here was a serious one, you had concealed your identity and were on licence."

The judge went on to say that she would make the restraining order to keep away from the woman and her family as requested by the prosecution but Airey, who appeared via video link suddenly announced: Shes coming to visit me tomorrow.

He continued: Were in a relationship, shes bringing my underwear in and probation know that.

Miss Jones said that further inquiries would be made and Recorder Pierpoint consequently did not make the restraining order.

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