Lancashire 2021-07-20

Michael Shaw 33

Bottomless intruder found as 'woman's reflection' moves in bathroom mirror.

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Offender ID: O-0979


Railway Path, Ormskirk, Lancashire, L39


A dad-of-three broke into the home of two unsuspecting women before performing a sex act.

The horrified women woke in the early hours of the morning to discover Michael Shaw crouched in the bathroom with his pants pulled down to his knees and genitals exposed.

The disturbing discovery was only made when one of the victims thought she could see her own reflection in the near darkness, only for the figure in the mirror to move.

Shaw, 30, of Railway Path, Ormskirk, is believed to have spent around 20 minutes in the house before he was discovered and then proceeded to perform a sex act on himself after being kicked out.

Prosecuting, Keith Sutton told Preston Crown Court the disturbing incident happened in February.

He said Shaw climbed through a bathroom window.

Mr Sutton said: At 1.20am the two females in the property were in bed.

One of them was awake watching a film, the other was asleep.

When one got up to go to the toilet, she realised she could hear some noise, it sounded like something on the roof or somewhere else in the house.

She went onto the landing and could hear something, she woke the other female who went downstairs.

The first woman saw a reflection in the bathroom mirror which she could see through the door.

She could see the reflection of something in the bathroom.

She wasnt sure what but then she saw that reflection moving as if someone was crouching down.

The second complainant came back up, there was a brief discussion about what had occurred and then the first female stepped into the bathroom and looked behind the door.

Her reaction was a scream, it was described by the second complainant as hysterical, and she stepped back.

The defendant was in the bathroom with his trousers down to his knees.

The second complainant shouted at him to ask what he was doing, how hed got in.

Shaw responded by saying he was sorry and picked up his shoes which he had taken off after entering the home.

He then sat down as if to use the toilet but was told to leave.

He sat down again on the stairs to put his shoes on and was again ordered to leave the house.

Mr Sutton said: One complainant went to call the police and the first complainant watched him exit and it was clear that he was carrying out a sex act outside the property.

Shaw left and returned to the temporary accommodation where he was then staying.

The women gave a description of him to the police, who visited him the following day and found clothes matching those seen that night.

Shaw was arrested and gave a confused account when interviewed.

In a victim statement summarised by Mr Sutton, one of the women said she had been left anxious and unable to sleep without prescribed medication.

She said she suffers from night terrors and no longer feels safe in her own home despite having an alarm and camera system installed.

She said it still plays on my mind knowing he was in my bathroom watching us for 20 minutes.

The woman also explained her fear of catching Covid-19 meant no-one else had entered the house for almost a year and that this safety was violated by Shaw and the officers who came to investigate.

The court heard Shaw has one previous conviction for possession of a knife which occurred around a month before this incident and resulted in a three-month suspended sentence in May.

At a hearing in April, he pleaded to two counts of exposure and one of trespassing with intent to commit a sexual offence.

Defending, Michael Hagarty said Shaw had suffered from childhood trauma which had been exacerbated by drug and alcohol use leading up to the day of the offences.

Mr Hagarty explained that in the months leading to the incident, Shaw had been forced to leave the Ormskirk home he shared with his mother as a result of flooding and had been staying alone in temporary accommodation.

He detailed a number of incidents in which Shaw had displayed erratic or concerning behaviour in the preceding months, two of which led to him being detained for his own wellbeing.

Psychological analysis identified issues of childhood trauma which were being amplified by use of alcohol, cannabis and cocaine.

A diagnosis of emotionally unstable personality disorder affecting his ability to control his actions was also made and Mr Hagarty said the issues relating to trauma had been made worse by Shaw being unable to see his own children.

Mr Hagarty said Shaw was confused by his actions and felt remorse for the impact on his victims

Sentencing, Recorder Ben Douglas-Jones QC described Shaws behaviour as frightening, disturbing and offensive.

Referring to the moment when one woman realised there was an intruder, he said: Just imagine how frightening that must have been.

Its like something from a horror movie.

Shaw was given a 30-month jail sentence, ordered to sign the sex offender register for life and made subject to a 10-year sexual harm prevention order.

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