Glasgow 2022-02-17

Robert Aitman, Paul Hannah 39,37

Two convicted Scots paedophiles exchanged sick letters from behind bars.

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Offender ID: O-0919




Paul Hannah, 37, and Robert Aitman, 35, had previously been cellmates before ending up in separate prisons.

Two convicted Scots paedophiles exchanged sick letters from behind bars discussing how they could rape and murder children.

Paul Hannah, 37, and Robert Aitman, 35, had previously been cellmates before ending up in separate prisons and the duo were subject to strict Sexual Offences Prevention Orders (SOPO) due to earlier crimes.

However, during almost seven months in 2020, they flouted it by repeatedly secretly writing to one another.

At the High Court in Glasgow today some of what was penned - much too graphic to explain in detail - was read during a hearing.

It included Hannah discussing harming a child and then arranging to "snuff a kid" out and "disposing" of the body while he also urged Aitman to try and convince a judge his fellow pervert was "not a danger".

Aitman meantime spoke of "going online to talk with people with kids" and how he missed being Hannah's "co-pilot".

The pair both pled guilty to breaching the SOPO the terms of which included an order not to contact other sex offenders.

A judge heard how Hannah claimed the first covid lockdown had left him feeling "isolated" and that was why he wrote the letters to Aitman.

They were remanded in custody pending sentencing next month.

Hannah had originally been jailed in 2017 for having indecent images of children. He was then hit with the SOPO a year later.

Aitman - also known as McNab - was given the same order in 2020. He also had convictions for child porn and other related offences, which had seen him locked up.

Hannah latterly ended up in Glasgow's Barlinnie prison with Aitman in Low Moss in Bishopbriggs, East Dunbartonshire.

Prosecutor Adrian Stalker told how staff at Low Moss became aware in late 2020 that Aitman had letters detailing sexual offences.

A total of five addressed to Aitman and signed by Hannah were seized.

A further five were then found in Hannah's Barlinnie cell, which had been sent by Aitman. They were written and sent between May 25, 2020 and December 5, 2020.

In the first read by Mr Stalker, it included Hannah asking if Aitman was "still up for getting together" when they get out.

Aitman replied stating he had spoken to "a couple of women" and that they would apparently have his children.

He went on: "Why don't you look into moving into Paisley or somewhere near, so you are not living too far away from me.

"We could go online to try and talk to people with kids. I miss being your co-pilot."

Hannah went on to state to Aitman: "You need to try and convince the judge you are not a danger."

He also mentioned both having been in the press and that the "best thing" would be to "move away" and "change your name".

The letters went on to describe and discuss children.

This included Hannah writing about getting rid of any "evidence".

He said: "I've had discussions with a few guys...and they have no issue with snuffing a kid and disposing of them. How do you feel about that?"

Hannah's lawyer Sean Templeton said the pervert was now "thoroughly ashamed" at what was written.

The advocate added: "The date in May 2020 was during the first lockdown.

"His position is that he felt isolated, alone at that time and essentially reached out (to Aitman). This is his explanation."

John Brannigan, defending Aitman, said it was accepted the "terms of the letters are of grave concern".

Lord Beckett deferred sentencing for reports until next month.

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