Middlesbrough 2022-02-17

Chloe Thompson 44

Sex offender admits exposing penis, using sex toy and masturbating in public.

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Offender ID: O-0893


Borough Road, Middlesbrough, North Yorkshire, TS1


A sex offender has admitted exposing her penis, using a sex toy and masturbating in public.

Chloe Thompson committed the "grossly offensive" acts in daylight and in front of members of the public, a court heard.

At one point, three children saw her exposing herself and thrusting her hips in the window of her home.

Thompson had been due to be tried at Teesside Magistrates' Court on Tuesday morning but changed her plea to guilty just before the trial was due to begin.

Her latest offences were committed on August 13 last year in Cromer Street and Wellesley Road, in the Borough Road area of Middlesbrough.

A couple saw her performing a sex act on herself in a back alleyway of Wellesley Road at about 3.45pm that day.

Liz McGowan, prosecuting, said "the defendant was moving forwards and backwards against a wheelie bin" before being seen using a sex toy on herself.

At the time she was wearing "an ill-fitting black wig, a ra-ra skirt and a midriff-length top", the court heard.

"She was shouted at by the witnesses and ran away," said Ms McGowan.

Former soldier Thompson was also seen exposing herself on Cromer Street where she lived at the time of the offending.

Ms McGowan said a witness described seeing "a male on the street", "wearing women's clothing" and seeing that person "lifting and playing with their penis".

Ms McGowan said another witness described seeing "a male" standing in the forecourt area of a house "leaning over the garden gate, thrusting their hips forwards and backwards looking at the group as if he wanted them to notice him".

The thrusting continued for about a minute, the court heard, and Thompson was then seen walking back towards the house, apparently performing a sex act on herself.

On the same day, a woman was passing with her granddaughters in the car, who were aged 10,11 and 14 at the time.

As they passed the house, "one of the grandchildren shouts, 'Look at that lady'," said Ms McGowan.

The grandmother said she saw "a male standing in the window exposing his bum making thrusting movements with his hips".

Ms McGowan said: "The offences were carried out in daylight and in front of children who were passing. They were grossly offensive."

The court heard 42-year-old Thompson has 17 convictions for 22 offences and was still under a suspended sentence order at the time of the latest crimes.

Previously convicted as Andrew McNab, the defendant had been put on the sex offenders' register and made subject to notification requirements in 2011 for sexually assaulting an underage girl.

But she was hauled back before courts in May last year for breaching her notification requirements for the 11th time.

Andrew McGloin, defending, said Ms Thompson is "an individual who feels, at this point in her life, very optimistic and hopeful for the future".

He told the court she is originally from Glasgow and came to the Teesside area in 2011 to find work.

She worked in asbestos removal for a time.

Mr McGloin said Thompson plans to attend a gender clinic which may lead to her undergoing gender reassignment surgery.

"About two and a half years ago she expressed a wish to change her gender and, following that decision, has changed her name to Chloe Thompson," he explained.

"It's been a very emotional journey for her and she has, at times suffered with mental health problems which have been exacerbated with periods of homelessness."

The court heard she has recently undertaken courses for working in the wind turbine industry.

"She's very optimistic she will be able to gain employment in an industry she is very interested in," said Mr McGloin.

Thompson has also served in the armed forces, he explained, and was hoping to join the Army Reserve force.

"She is disappointed she has placed herself in this position in regards the distress she will have caused to members of the public on these occasions," he added.

Thompson, now of Borough Road in Middlesbrough, admitted three charges;

- Committing a public nuisance by indecent exposing herself while exposing her penis to members of the public while performing a sex act upon herself

- Committing an act outraging public decency by performing a sex act on herself in a public place in view of other members of the public, and

- Outraging public decency by behaving in an indecent manner, by using a sex toy on herself.

She will be sentenced at Teesside Crown Court on March 15.

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