Peterborough 2022-02-15

Billy Lynch-White 49

Vile rapist kick womens pregnant mum three times in the stomach.

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Offender ID: O-0886


Peterborough, Cambridgeshire


A woman who watched a vile rapist kick her pregnant mum three times in the stomach says the abuse she witnessed as a child will stay with her forever.

The victim went on to tragically lose a baby girl, her little sister, the daughter recalls.

Billy Lynch-White was handed an 18-year extended sentence in December for sickening crimes, including the assault and raping a number of women between 2006 and 2019.

A jury found the 47-year-old guilty of nine charges following a trial at Glasgow High Court.

He was also accused of using lewd, indecent and libidinous practices and behaviour towards the daughter of one of his victims but the jury found this charge not proven.

This woman, who was just a child at the time, said she was forced to listen and even witnessed her mum being attacked.

She has spoken to the Lennox about their terrifying ordeal which she relived in court.

She said: I was just a child. It has only been in later life I have realised how wrong it was.

Lynch-White was found guilty violently assaulting the mum at an address in Renton, slapping her on the head, punching her, throwing a plate at her and kicking her on the stomach when she was pregnant.

The woman said the the 18-year extended sentence he was handed down - which will see him spend 14 years behind bars - is justice.

She added: My little sister that died, she got justice too.

Recalling the day that the baby was lost, she said: I had witnessed him hitting my mum on many occasions.

On this occasion he booted her three times in the stomach.

About an hour or so after that she started getting quite bad pains in the stomach and she was taken to hospital.

The hospital said she had to give birth but the baby didnt survive.

She was far enough along that my mum got hand and footprints of her.

Lynch-White, whose last address was in Peterborough, was found guilty of raping a woman while she was asleep and incapable of giving or withholding consent on various occasions between 2010 and 2013 at another address in Renton and elsewhere. He also sexually assaulted her on various occasions between 2010 and 2013 while holding a pillow on her face.

On various occasions between 2017 and 2019 he raped another woman at an address in Wishaw, and on one occasion held a knife to her throat before raping her.

He was placed on the sex offenders register indefinitely when he was sentenced at Aberdeen High Court on December 3.

The woman said reliving the horrors she witnessed as a little girl have taken their toll on her.

She added: During the trial, I was off my work for three months. I couldnt function without medication just because I was reliving everything.

When I got the phone call to say the outcome, it was all worth it.

Its good to know that it was worth speaking up.

I have got mental health issues because of it.

I kind of feel like that chapters closed. I have had my day in court.

I am still angry, hurt and upset from what he has put us through but its not that constant in the back of my mind now.

The woman praised the work of Police Scotland, with the senior investigating officer for the case also welcoming his conviction.

She added: Everyone I have dealt with from the police right through to the procurator fiscal have been great.

Everyone was really good and really supportive.

Detective Inspector Scott Hamilton said: We welcome the conviction of Billy Lynch-White.

His behaviour was completely unacceptable and the abuse will undoubtedly have a lasting impact on his victims.

I hope this conviction provides a sense of closure and allows the victims to try to move on with their lives.

Police Scotland takes all reports of sexual abuse very seriously and our specialist officers are here to provide support to victims and ensure perpetrators face justice.

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