Waterlooville 2022-02-15

Anthony Fuller 39

Paedophile with a long history of disobedience.

Profile Picture
Offender ID: O-0867


Tennyson Crescent, Waterlooville, PO7


A PAEDOPHILE with a long history of disobedience to court orders was finally caged for his latest offences.

After being caught out by police following a search of his Waterlooville home, child pervert Anthony Fuller, 37, boasted: Its not my first time.

Portsmouth Crown Court heard how Fuller, of Tennyson Crescent, was repeatedly before the courts from 2014 onwards after being caught with indecent images.

The prolific offender again fell foul of the law after he was found in breach of a sexual harm prevention order and an 18 month sentence suspended for two years handed down in April.

Prosecutor Thomas Wilkins said officers attended Fullers address on two occasions in January before finding indecent images including of the very worst kind on devices. He was also found to have been browsing the internet without notifying officers.

The court was told how the registered sex offender had first been before the courts in 2014 before his offending and breaches started to spiral.

He has been before the courts on a number of occasions, Mr Wilkins said.

He added: There are no circumstances that make it unjust to impose a prison sentence.

Fullers first breach of an order came in 2016 before further breaches in 2018.

Unable to resist the temptation to make indecent photos of children, his punishment was then escalated with the suspended sentence in April.

And with him still failing to take heed of court orders, Fuller has now finally been taken off the streets and locked up.

Even his defence barrister conceded there was nothing he could say to deter the judge from jail. It would not be unjust to activate the suspended sentence, Simon Moger said.

The lawyer did point out that Fuller had attended 30 out of 35 probation appointments.

Fuller admitted two offences of breaching a sexual harm prevention order putting him in breach of a suspended sentence.

Judge, Recorder Louise Harvey, said there was no option but to incarcerate Fuller.

She said: These matters are very serious. You have been back here repeatedly since 2014 with the same offences again and again.

You have a long history of disobedience with the court.

The paedophile was then jailed for 21 months.

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