Merseyside 2021-03-06

Robert Gardener 67

Little girl's dad caught a paedophile abusing his daughter.

Profile Picture
Offender ID: O-0859


Rocastle Close, Kensington, Liverpool, Merseyside, L6


A little girl's dad caught a paedophile abusing his daughter only for the pervert to claim it was her fault.

Robert Gardener twice targeted the child but covered up the first incident by suggesting he was "just playing".

The 64-year-old predator's lies came crashing down when the victim's father saw the sick abuse for himself.

However, Gardener, of Rocastle Close, Kensington, then had the gall to claim that the child instigated it.

Liverpool Crown Court heard another girl first spotted Gardener with his trousers and underpants down in the presence of the little girl.

Fiona McNeill, prosecuting, said the child reported this to the victim's mum, who in turn spoke to her partner, who talked to Gardener.

Gardener assured the little girl's dad that he was "just playing" with the victim and that the child witness hadn't seen anything untoward.

However, on a second occasion the girl's dad saw his daughter with her hand moving down the front of Gardener's trousers near his groin.

Ms McNeill said the girl looked up and moved her hand away and Gardener stared at the victim's father.

The court heard the dad, who has his own vulnerabilities, removed his daughter from the situation.

As a result, the girl's mum again spoke to the child who witnessed the first incident and asked for more details.

The child told her she had seen Gardener standing over the little girl with his genitals close to her face.

Ms McNeill said the witness described how the little girl had "tears in her eyes".

The mum spoke to her daughter, who said she had put her hand down Gardener's trousers because he asked her to.

The dad then chatted to his daughter, when she pointed out to him on a drawing where she had touched Gardener.

The girl also confirmed to police that Gardener had pulled his pants down in front of her.

Gardener was arrested and made no comment when the allegations were put to him.

However, screenshots of a conversation between him and the girl's dad showed Gardener said he had been "messing around" with the girl.

Gardener, who had no previous convictions, admitted two counts of causing or inciting a girl under 13 to engage in sexual activity.

In a victim statement, the girl's mum described a "deterioration" in her daughter's behaviour since the abuse.

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