Manchester 2020-07-07

Nadeem Mohamed 42

Performed sex acts on himself in his car close to a school 'targeted schoolgirls in uniform'.

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Offender ID: O-0830


Cheetham Hill Road, Manchester, M4


A pervert who performed sex acts on himself in his car close to a school 'targeted schoolgirls in uniform' a court heard.

Nadeem Mohamed, 38, 'quite deliberately' parked in the vicinity of the school in Greater Manchester before performing the lewd acts so schoolgirls could see him, a court heard.

The 'nauseating and repulsive' offences all took place at the end of the school day across three days in early 2018, Manchester Crown Court heard.

On February 5 that year, a teenage girl saw Mohamed parked in his Audi with his window down, at around 3pm when pupils were leaving for the day, and saw him performing a sex act on himself.

She took a photo of the car and went back into school, which cannot be named for legal reasons, to tell teachers, David Lees, prosecuting said.

The following day Mohamed was witnessed performing another sex act by another schoolgirl who said she felt 'disgusted' by what she saw.

The next day another girl witnessed his 'disgusting' behaviour, calling him a 'paedo' before walking off.

He was arrested on February 8, 2018, and an analysis of his phone found internet searches which prosecutors said indicated he had an "interest in teen and pre-teen girls" the court heard.

All five of his victims were under the age of 16.

A judge said he had 'targeted' the area around the school where girls wearing uniform would be passing and 'clearly wanted them to see you.'

One girl said she has 'flashbacks', and doesn't walk home anymore, and uses the bus instead

Another said it has affected her behaviour in school, and said she has become "more aggressive" as a result.

Two other girls said they were left feeling anxious following the incident.

Mohamed, of Cheetham Hill, pleaded guilty to five counts of engaging in sexual activity in the presence of a child at an earlier hearing.

Michael Johnson, defending, said Mohamed was genuinely remorseful and fearful of going to prison.

"He has pleaded guilty," he said.

"He doesn't seek to minimise his behaviour. He has thought about why he did it and his victim empathy is clear.

"He has had experiences himself which have impacted on his life.

"And he accepts his behaviour could have the same effect on the teenage girls who were the victims of this disgusting behaviour.

"He's a man with no previous convictions. He is remorseful.

"He accepts he will have been very fortunate to escape with his liberty and will wholeheartedly engage with any order the court passes."

He was handed a two year jail sentence, suspended for two years on Monday.

He must complete 55 rehabilitation activity requirement days including a specialist sex offenders programme.

He was also made subject to a sexual harm prevention order for 10 years.

Passing sentence Judge Hilary Manley said: "You targeted areas outside a school.

"And you targeted teenage school girls who were wearing school uniform.

"You clearly wanted them to see you.

"It is disgusting and unacceptable that they were targeted on their way home from the school, where they are going to themselves an education, and then subjected to the nauseating and repulsive sight of you doing what you were doing.

"You have personal difficulties which I have read about.

"There has been an unconscionable in bringing this case to court which I must take into account, and you have not offended since.

"I am satisfied you are genuinely remorseful and that there is a realistic prospect of rehabilitation.

"However you must work with the probation service to make sure you not offend again."

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