Shetland 2006-06-20

Dean Hughson 38

Taking or making 237 indecent photographs and 27 moving pictures.

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Offender ID: O-0803


Shetland Islands


A young Shetland man who downloaded child pornography has been banned from using the internet.

Dean Hughson, 20, was involved in either taking or making 237 indecent photographs and 27 moving pictures.

He also admitted possessing 72 indecent images of children, and nine indecent moving pictures with a view to them being distributed or shown to others.

He was placed on probation for three years at Inverness Sheriff Court, and cannot go online during that time.

The offences happened between March 2003 and May 2005.

Fiscal Stella Swan said the offences came to light following a joint operation by European law enforcement agencies.

Police raided Hughson's home in Sandwick and confiscated computer equipment from his bedroom.

Ms Swan said: "The images were a mixture of pre-pubescent and post-pubescent children. The majority were involved in grossly indecent sexual acts."

Defence lawyer Tommy Allan told the court that computers were "another pitfall" for youngsters in modern society, along with drugs, cars and unwanted pregnancies.

Mr Allan s 'Disgusting trade' aid: "He is not in denial. He is not trying to make excuses. He has been very immature and hopes to make a contribution to society."

'Disgusting trade'

Sheriff Derek Pyle told Hughson: "You have to understand that the court takes a very serious view of these matters.

"When one sees images of this kind in the cold light of day they are horrible.

"They involve the persecution of young kids and it really is a disgusting trade in which you are part of by getting involved in it on your computer.

"But taking into account of your individual circumstances I will make a probation order for three years."

The order included several conditions, including a community service order of 200 hours.

He was ordered to refrain from using the internet during the period of his probation.

Hughson was ordered to take part in a sex offenders' programme and not to have contact with children aged under 16 without prior approval from his supervising officer.

He was also placed on the sex offenders' register for three years.

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