Suffolk 2022-01-25

Ross Smith 35

Sexually abused a young girl.

Profile Picture
Offender ID: O-0774


Banham Road, Beccles, Suffolk, NR34


A Suffolk man who sexually abused a young girl has been jailed for 10 years.

Ross Smith, 33, of Banham Road, Beccles, appeared at Ipswich Crown Court for sentence on Monday having previously been convicted of three offences.

Smith had denied three counts of causing or inciting a girl under the age of 13 to engage in sexual activity but was found guilty by a jury at trial.

The offending took place between 2018 and 2019.

The court heard that Smith had no previous similar convictions.

At the sentencing hearing, the victim's mother described Smith's offending as "despicable" and outlined the impact it had had on her daughter and their family in a statement read by prosecutor Andrew Thompson.

Judge Emma Peters jailed Smith for 10 years, with an extended licence period of five years.

Smith must serve at least two thirds of the 10-year sentence in custody before he will be eligible for parole.

The judge also ordered Smith to sign the sex offenders' register for life, and imposed a indefinite sexual harm prevention order.

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