Newport 2022-02-10

Jordan Parton 24

Paedophile magician posed as 15-year-old schoolboy to groom girls online for sex.

Profile Picture
Offender ID: O-0772


Constable Drive, Newport, Wales NP19


Jordan Parton, 22, created a fake persona when chatting to his victims on social media before forcing them to take indecent photos.

Parton - a professional entertainer who dreamed of becoming the "next Penn and Teller" - then used the images to threaten the teens.

A court heard one victim pleaded with him not to post images of her on the internet, but Parton replied: "OK, I wont post them as long as you do what I say."

Another girl said: "He said he was 15 and he appeared to be funny."

Parton was the youngest member of the Cardiff Magic Society when he was just 14 and regularly did tricks for people in the street.

He was also a juggler and balloon entertainer known as Crazy Clown Balloons.

But prosecutor John Ryan said the children's entertainer had a hidden secret - he hoarded up to 1,000 indecent images of the young girls in sexual poses.

Mr Ryan said: "He was grooming his victims over Snapchat.

"The defendant was coercing and threatening them to provide him with indecent images of themselves."

Cardiff Crown Court heard Parton's house was raided by police over an unrelated matter in February 2020.

His electronic devices revealed he had filmed the youngsters performing sex acts while threatening to send the images to their parents.

Mr Ryan said: "He told one victim he would publish the images all over the internet and would show them to her parents.

"She felt pressurised and blackmailed."

Parton, of Newport, Gwent, admitted causing or inciting girls to engage in sexual activity and sexual communication with girls.

He also pleaded guilty to making category A, category B and category C indecent images of children between September 2019 and January 2020.

Stuart John, defending, said: "His parents have been shocked that their son has committed such serious offences.

"Hes immature, even for a 22-year-old man. The defendant was bullied as an adolescent.

"He does realise the wide-ranging impact on his victims and their families."


Judge Tracey Lloyd-Clarke said: "You were recording the sexual abuse as it was taking place.

"You were coercing and threatening young girls to provide you with images.

"Some of your victims were prepared to cooperate with police and provide evidential interviews.

"Others were too upset or embarrassed to do so."

Patron was jailed for 11 years for his twisted tricks and must register as a sex offender for life.

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