Somerset 2022-02-09

Michael Tedstone 27

Having sexual talks with girl he believed was aged 13.

Profile Picture
Offender ID: O-0768


Weston-Super-Mare, Somerset, BS22–BS24


A man has been caught having sexually explicit chats with a child - who did not exist- for the second time in two years.

In 2019 Michael Tedstone received a suspended jail term for attempted child sexual activity.

Bristol Crown Court heard he had been caught by an adult in a paedophile sting - and last year he was caught again.

Tedstone, 25, of Weston-super-Mare, pleaded guilty to attempting to incite child sexual activity, breaching a Sexual Harm Prevention Order and attempted sexual communication with a child in October last year.

The recorder Mr Malcolm Gibney jailed him for two years and eight months.

He told Tedstone: "It would appear you have not learned your lesson from your appearance in this court."

Emma Martin, prosecuting, said when Tedstone engaged with "Olivia, aged 13" online in reality he was chatting to an undercover police officer.

The court heard he was recognised from his previous offending as he used the platforms Kick and Snapchat to chat with the 'child', the court heard.

Contact progressed from Tedstone sending Olivia photos of his face and chest and asking her to send him photos.

Mrs Martin said chats became increasingly sexualised, and he was sent a photo of a young female wearing underwear before he reciprocated with a photo of his naked private parts.

The court heard he went on to make sexualised suggestions to the 'youngster' - and he was removed from the platforms.

Tedstone was frank with police when they came to call, telling them: "I pretty much screwed up again, haven't I?"

His phone was analysed and though no indecent photos of children were found, it contained "predatory search terms", the court heard.

Matthew Jackson, defending, said: "It is one one of the more open and honest accounts given by an offender for offences of this nature.

"He is realistic.

"This is his first time in custody.

"He knows he will remain there for a significant period of time.

"I ask that the sentence is tempered by a degree of mercy."

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