Northumberland 2021-07-02

Dean Davidson 41

Paedophile teacher tricked young teenage boys into filming themselves performing sex acts.

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Offender ID: O-0699


Brockwood Close, Ashington, Northumberland, NE63


A "dangerous" paedophile teacher who tricked young teenage boys into filming themselves performing sex acts has been jailed for 17 years.

Dean Davidson, 38, admitted 18 sexual offences over 10 years, including possession of indecent images of children, online exploitation of young teenagers and indecently touching boys.

The defendant, of Brockwood Court, Ashington, Northumberland, who taught in a number of schools in the North East of England, "posed as a good-looking blonde girl" online, one of his victims said.

In other cases he used a male alter-ego, depending on the sexuality of his young victims, Newcastle Crown Court was told.

The disgraced defendant held his head in his hands during the lengthy sentencing hearing, during which statements from 27 victims were heard.

Andrew Epsley, prosecuting, said Davidson was "a dangerous offender" who tricked some of his victims, now adults, after contacting them on social media.

In some cases, he posed as a sexually adventurous older girl, and cajoled them into performing sexual acts on camera.

Davidson, without their knowledge, made recordings of those videos, the court heard.

One told the court he had remained in contact for years with what he thought was a woman, but which was actually Davidson.

The man only realised the deception when detectives approached him and showed him video of himself as a boy aged around 13 performing sex acts.

Officers had recovered the video from Davidson's electronic devices.

The victim said: "I had been enticed by who I thought was a girl showing me attention at a very early age.

"Over the years it had been casual, friendly, on occasions flirtatious and sexual.

"I feel deceived and misled."

Another victim said he felt anxious in public in case Davidson had shared videos of him as a young teen, adding he felt "violated".

And another said he recalled making friends online with that he thought was a girl who asked him to do "weird things - stuff I would never dream of doing as an adult".

David Comb, defending, said Davidson was "ashamed and upset" by his conduct.

He added: "He genuinely enjoyed his work and he had a commitment to it, but he was also a confused, isolated and closeted young man who had been unable to establish or maintain healthy relationships with adults."

Judge Sarah Mallett sentenced him to serve 17 years in jail, with a six-year extended period.

Referring to his victims, she said: "Several of them have described their lives, as a result, are in ruins."

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