Northumberland 2021-07-04

John Gillis 84

Subjected a young girl to a campaign of rape.

Profile Picture
Offender ID: O-0696


Plessey Road, Blyth, Northumberland, NE24


A pensioner who subjected a young girl to a campaign of rape which left her traumatised for life has been jailed for 23 years.

John Gillis, 81, arrogantly thought he had got away with the despicable abuse he carried out many years ago.

But justice has finally caught up with him and he is now likely to die in prison as he was told he must serve two-thirds of the 23 years behind bars.

As Gillis, known as Jack, was locked up at Newcastle Crown Court, his victim said he will have to carry the shame of being a paedophile "for the rest of your pathetic life".

The woman, who was just seven at the time, said: "He was like a beast on the prowl and I was his prey.

"I felt worthless and have tried to commit suicide several times as I felt I couldn't live with the shame of what he did."

She added: "Jack, where you are today, because of your arrogance, you believed yourself invincible but you have been proved wrong and justice has been met.

"You have to carry the brand paedophile for the rest of your life.

"May you languish in prison for the rest of your pathetic life

Gillis, of Plessey Road, Blyth, Northumberland, was convicted after a trial in May of six counts of rape, three of them when the victim was under 13, and two of indecent assault.

Judge Tim Gittins told him: "You vilely abused her, raping her repeatedly despite the obvious distress and pain you knew you were causing her."

When the victim tried to tell Gillis' mother what he had done, when she was 15, she was dismissed and denounced as a liar, the court heard.

Judge Gittins said Gillis did everything he could to create the impression she was making it up.

He added: "You arrogantly dismissed her complaint and, frankly, dismissed her as a human being.

"There has been no shame from you, no contrition.

"Even when cornered in cross-examination, you still sought to blame her, telling the court she was coming on to you."

Judge Gittins said the truth is now out as a result of the victim's courage.

He added: "You were a paedophile and a serial rapist of her and she is a survivor but at an almost catastrophic cost to almost every aspect of her life.

"You sought to say she was vindictive when in fact it was the other way around.

"You were clearly a dangerous offender as a young adult."

As well as the prison sentence, Gillis will be on the sex offenders register indefinitely.

Phil Gibbs, defending, said: "He may well spend the rest of his life in prison. He is an elderly man.

"It's a difficult age to find himself in prison. Every day will be difficult.

"He has always been active and his first few weeks of enforced idleness has been a punishment for him."

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