Manchester 2021-06-02

Christopher Spencer 44

Groped a 14-year-old boy on a camping trip - after grooming him with alcohol and cannabis.

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Offender ID: O-0690


Shakespeare Avenue, Radcliffe, Manchester, Greater Manchester, M26


A RETAIL manager from who groped a 14-year-old boy on a camping trip - after grooming him with alcohol and cannabis - has been jailed for 39 months.

Christopher Spencer, 41, befriended the Bury boy's family and bought him computer games, Minshull Street Crown Court was told.

The teen had become withdrawn after a family bereavement, the court heard, and Spencer allowed him to use his bank card to play video games.

Prosecutor Geoff Whelan said this led to the defendant, then 38, taking the boy on a camping trip. He hired a glamping pod and while the youngster was in bed one night he groped him under his clothing.

The court heard the boy continued going on trips with Spencer but was always accompanied by a friend, who was also given cannabis by the defendant.

Spencer, of Shakespeare Avenue, Radcliffe, was convicted after a trial of sexual activity with a child. He had admitted to two offences of supplying cannabis to the boys.

The victim later said the sexual offence had affected his schooling and caused him to suffer from anxiety.

Isobel Thomas, defending, said her client accepted he had given alcohol and cannabis to the sexual activity victim but disputed that this was to "facilitate the offence".

She told the court how Spencer, who worked as a store manager in the Trafford Centre, lived with his mother and brother and it was his income which paid for the mortgage on the family home.

"There are some real concerns if he was sent to custody and was unable to provide that income the family would be rendered homeless," Miss Thomas added.

Judge John Potter said Spencer had effectively groomed the first boy over a period of time, treating him and taking him on trips.

"In my judgement you used this opportunity to groom him with a view to sexually abusing him," he added.

Judge Potter imposed a restraining order, prohibiting any contact between the defendant and the two boys. Spencer must also sign the sex offenders register for life.

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