Yorkshire 2020-03-31

Jack Walker 23

String of terrifying sex offences against teenage girls.

Profile Picture
Offender ID: O-0682


Fort Terrace, Bridlington, YO15


A teenager dubbed "paedo Jack" is facing prison after admitting a string of terrifying sex offences against teenage girls.

Jack Walker, 19, has appeared at Hull Crown Court charged with four offences of sexual activity with a child, one offence of causing or inciting a child to engage in sexual activity and two offences of engaging in sexual activity in the presence of a child.

Walker, of Fort Terrace, Bridlington, appeared via video link from Hull Prison where he has been remanded since August, ready for his sentencing hearing - which will take place on Friday.

As his crimes were laid out before the court, Walker regularly shook his head before pleading guilty to all seven charges, which revolved around grooming underage children.

Charlotte Baines, prosecuting, told the court the charges related to a 14-year-old girl, who at one point Walker had asked to move to Bradford with him.

She told the court that Walker had been warned by both his mum and Humberside Police to stay away from the girl.

Throughout his offending, Walker was placed under child abduction warning notices, which are used to disrupt contact between vulnerable children and an adult where there are concerns that the child may be at risk of harm including sexual exploitation.

Miss Baines said: The girl said she had been involved in a group of males for sexual contact and she said she felt sick and disgusted in herself, but felt normal when she did it. She said she felt pressured.

The girl later told officers she had often taken drugs when around Walker.

Miss Baines said that one night after smoking together, Walker had sat her on his knee and touched her [the girl]".

She told the court: "He didnt ask if he could, he just did it. He tried getting her to go upstairs with him, saying 'come on, you know you want to do it'.

She told police she had messaged him telling her how old she was and he sent her indecent pictures and asked her to do the same.

"He sent her messages about taking her virginity and making sure it wouldnt hurt. He tried to convince her to have sex with him on two or three occasions.

The court heard that after locking himself and the girl in a beach hut, Walker said her body was perfect before telling her "not to tell anyone about what he said".

Miss Baines added: He said I will get into trouble - you dont want that do you?. One friend of the girl said that everyone knew him as 'paedo Jack'."

Other charges against Walker related to another 14-year-old girl.

Miss Baines told the court that the girl had said many people around the ages of 14 and 15 would often be round at Walkers flat.

She told the court: The girl said she could often hear Walker and his girlfriend having sex and this would make her uncomfortable and she would turn the music up. She was asked to join them a few times and knew what had been meant by that.

She described how she would keep an eye on him as she knew he had ADHD, bipolar and anger issues.

Hull Crown Court heard that Walker had sex with the young girl an estimated ten times, including in a disused building, which was witnessed by a teenage boy who said he felt that he had been coerced into watching.

Miss Baines said the boy knew that it was not right that Walker was having sex with underage girls.

She told the court: He recalled a time when he had seen the defendant and one of the girls and went to speak to them and Walker had said, Im s******* this one now.

He went with them to an abandoned building and the defendant had sex with the girl. The defendant told him to sit down on a log and watch. He said he didnt want to get stabbed as the defendant had a screwdriver in his pocket.

The girl said, Does he have to watch? and the defendant had said Let him stay. He said he was scared of him and by talking to police after he said it felt like a betrayal."

Walker was first interviewed by police in June last year and said there had been no messages between him and the first girl.

The court heard that during his second interview with officers in August last year, Walker said he "did not understand what consent means", although he later pleaded guilty to all seven charges.

Paul Genney, mitigating for Walker, told how he lives with a learning disability and a low IQ and a pre-sentence report and psychological report had been issued.

Mr Genney outlined details of Walkers traumatic childhood which included living in a violent home.

He said: Hes damaged, basically. Whether he is beyond the point of redemption, it is difficult to know. He has been tearful and crying while in prison and misses, in his words his 'mummy and his Lego'.

Hes obviously something of a child himself. Hes damaged by his upbringing."

Mr Genney said Walker was not a manipulative or sophisticated", but instead, someone in need of help and treatment".

He added: Hes got the sophistication of a 14-year-old himself, with very little empathy. We cant penalise him for being unintelligent.

Talking about Walkers time in custody so far, Mr Genney said: He is vulnerable and tearful and is finding it to be the most traumatic experience. Hopefully someone, somewhere can offer him some sort of course or help that could help increase his sense of empathy or sensitivity.

Walker will be sentenced by Judge John Thackray on Friday, April 3.

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