Edinburgh 2022-02-01

Martins Enegbuma 46

Priest sex attack on parishioner during Christmas Day visit to his home.

Profile Picture
Offender ID: O-0658


Lanark Rd W, Currie, EH14


A Catholic priest has been convicted of sexually assaulting a young parishioner while she visited him with her family on Christmas Day.

Martins Enegbuma carried out the attack on the victim, who is in her 20s, in a house he was living in next door to his Edinburgh church.

The 44-year-old subjected her to unwanted kisses, rubbed her foot, and ran his hands over her body.

The victim, along with her mother and another relative, had visited Enegbuma as they didnt want him to be alone for Christmas and brought him food.

Enegbuma was living in the house beside Our Lady, Mother of the Church in the citys Currie area.

He left the woman distressed after what was branded a catalogue of sexual touching during the familys 45 minute stay.

Enegbuma, who is originally from Nigeria, is understood to have been the priest at the church for several months before the incident.

He went on trial at Edinburgh Sheriff Court on Monday, where he denied the charge, and was found guilty by a sheriff on Tuesday.

Fiscal depute Ross Price told the court how the family had gone to wish Enegbuma a Merry Christmas on December 25 2020.

Mr Price said Enegbuma instigated a campaign of sexual touching.

The prosecutor described how the woman was pinned in by Enegbuma during one encounter on a staircase.

He described how Enegbuma had carried out a gross abuse of position and a gross abuse of trust.

Mr Price said the victim was set upon in a predatory fashion by Enegbuma who was responsible for a catalogue of sexual touching.

It added up, he said, to become one horrible incident.

Mr Price said the victim had given evidence about her repulsion over the priests actions and his lingering wet kisses.

The court was told the victim told her mother about what had occurred later on Christmas Day having been initially frightened of her reaction.

The trial heard how the victims mother gave evidence about Enegbumas unpriestly conduct.

Enegbuma had known the woman for several months as a member of the congregation, the court was told.

Finding Enegbuma guilty, Sheriff Adrian Fraser said he considered the victim and her mother to have been credible and reliable witnesses.

The sheriff said hed found the touching did take place, that it was intentional and sexual, and there was no consent.

He told Enegbuma that the victim and her family had shown kindness to you at Christmas when he carried out the assault, adding: This is clearly a serious matter.

Enegbuma was found guilty of sexually assaulting the woman by repeatedly lungeing over her, rubbing her foot, compressing her toe, embracing her, kissing her on the hand, kissing her on the forehead, and running his hands over her body.

Sheriff Fraser deferred sentence on Enegbuma, who is now living in the citys Niddrie area, until March for reports.

He ordered Enegbuma be placed on the sex offenders register and continued his bail.

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