Bristol 2022-01-17

Daniel Bishop 45

Drugged woman before he and other man raped her

Profile Picture
Offender ID: O-0611


Emersons Green, Bristol


A 'depraved' Emersons Green man drugged a woman so he and others could rape her.

Daniel Bishop obtained the GHB 'date rape' drug from a Dutch website, Bristol Crown Court was told.

After slipping it into her drink he forced himself on her while she was unconscious and broadcast the abuse via the internet.

And he also arranged for other men to similarly abuse her, the court heard.

Bishop, 43, pleaded guilty to three rapes, three attempted rapes, a sexual assault and administering a noxious substance.

Judge James Patrick, who categorised him as a dangerous offender, jailed him for 14 years and eight months with extended licence of eight years.

He told Bishop: "You fall to be sentenced for a set of depraved offences.

"What you did is, in my judgement, degrading and humiliating."

The judge ordered Bishop to register as a sex offender for life and barred him from working with children and vulnerable adults.

Giles Nelson, prosecuting, said Bishop drugged the complainant before arranging for a man to rape her.

Though he invited other men to do the same they declined, the court heard.

When he raped the unconscious woman twice himself he put the assault online, the court heard.

Mr Nelson said: "The defendant was frank about his feelings as a sexual predator.

"He stated he preyed on prostitutes and said he had a sex addiction for which he had sought help."

Charley Pattison, defending, said her client had been blighted by mental health issues and addiction to alcohol.

She said: "He is devastated by what he has done.

"He has now, for the first time, come to terms with childhood experiences of trauma and how it may well have made him the person he is today.

"He is beyond sorry for what he has done."

Detective Constable Cheryl Aucott, the investigating police officer in the case, said: Daniel Bishop has been convicted of a series of appalling offences following a sensitive and complex investigation.

The victim in this case has shown incredible bravery in supporting these court proceedings.

"We hope this conviction encourages other victims of sexual offences to have the confidence to report incidents to us, so offenders can be brought to justice.

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