Somerset 2021-02-24

Alan Barney 32

Had sexual activity with girl told police "snitches would get stitches".

Profile Picture
Offender ID: O-0586


Rosebery Avenue, Yeovil, Somerset, BA21


A man who raped a woman and had sexual activity with a child has been jailed.

Alan Barney abused the girl, aged 13, in a home near Bristol.

Bristol Crown Court heard it was a month after he forced himself on a woman at her home.

Barney, 29, of Roseberry Avenue in Yeovil, pleaded guilty to rape and sexual activity with a child.

The recorder Mr Malcolm Gibney jailed him for eight years and nine months.

He told Barney: "These two episodes were appalling and devastating both for (the woman) and, obviously, to the younger (girl)."

Barney was handed a Sexual Harm Prevention Order, designed to stop him reoffending, and was ordered to register as a sex offender for life.

Richard Posner, prosecuting, said the child froze when Barney was sexually intimate with her.

The distressed child told her mum: "I wanted to say no but no words came."

Barney told police "snitches would get stitches", the court heard.

He made a prepared statement denying wrongdoing before answering no comment to other questions.

Mr Posner said it transpired that, a month before the sexual activity with a child, Barney raped a woman in her home.

She made an impact statement in which she said the rape changed her life and, as well as physical pain, had left her suffering nightmares and flashbacks and receiving counselling.

Once again, Barney initially denied wrongdoing.

Mark Worsley, defending, said his client had a difficult childhood, with speech difficulties from an early age and borderline learning difficulties.

He described his client as immature and sometimes childlike, who liked watching wrestling and trying out moves on others.

Mr Worsley said: "His conduct is not excused by anything."

Detective Constable Russell Head, the police officer in charge of the case, said: "This is a welcomed sentence by the victims, bringing to a conclusion what has been a traumatic experience to them and allowing them to start to move on.

“This sentence reflects the risk that the offender possessed to vulnerable victims.”

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