Gloucestershire 2021-06-08

Thomas Hancock 32

Teacher sexually abused two pupils.

Profile Picture
Offender ID: O-0583


Beyon Close, Cam, Dursley, GL11 5JL


Thomas Hancock sexually assaulted one girl and told the other he dreamed of having sex with her at school.

"A lot of people call him a monster. I have no words to describe what he is."

These are the words of a schoolgirl who fell prey to a teacher who admitted sexually assaulting a pupil at his school and propositioning another.

Thomas Hancock nurtured friendly relationships with the complainants, aged 17 and 16, Bristol Crown Court heard.

But the trusted teacher revealed he had feelings for both before he groped one and sent the other lewd footage of himself.

Hancock, 29, of Beyon Close in Cam, Gloucestershire, pleaded guilty to sexual assault and sexual assault (on multiple occasions), in a position of trust, on the 17-year-old.

He pleaded guilty to causing or inciting a child to look at sexual activity, and causing or inciting a child to engage in sexual activity, in a position of trust, on the 16-year-old.

Judge Michael Cullum jailed him for 16 months.

He told Hancock: "Both young women have been deeply affected and have altered the course of their lives.

"Teachers are supposed to do that in a positive way, not a negative way."

The judge handed Hancock a 10-year Sexual Harm Prevention Order designed to stop him re-offending.

Stephen Dent, prosecuting via video link, said that at the time Hancock had taught at the school for six years.

He had retained contact with the 17-year-old and became flirtatious with her, the court heard.

Mr Dent said: "He grabbed her bottom without consent and she was shocked.

"He said to her they needed to talk, but not in school."

Mr Dent said they arranged to meet and did so.

He told the court: "She went to his car. He said he had feelings for her but nothing could happen.

"She was confused and upset."

The court heard on another meeting the teacher grabbed her and kissed her - and though she knew it was wrong she felt trapped.

Mr Dent said: "She felt the defendant had control over her.

"He became obsessed with her.

"He asked her to wear skirts and clothes he liked."

Hancock kissed the girl and grabbed her bottom several times, Mr Dent said, telling her he would "like to bend her over a table".

On one occasion he put her hand inside his trousers and touch him between his legs on his pants.

When she told Hancock contact had to stop it did so, the court heard, but she made no formal complaint until she became aware of a second victim.

That second complainant, aged 16, told police she exchanged messages with Hancock which became flirtatious and extremely sexual.

She took a photo of if Snapchat message, the court heard.

She described how Hancock sent her a photo of his private parts and videos of him committing a sex act on himself.

He would also contact her in the early hours, tell her his fiance was asleep, and would talk of dreams about her and how he wanted to have sex with her at school.

In one loaded question he asked her: "How would you convince me to give you the grades you need?"

The older girl stated that her ability to concentrate on school work suffered as a result, and though she managed to get into university her work there "fell apart".

She said: "Before Mr Hancock I was never like this."

The younger girl said Hancock knew she was vulnerable and she suffered panic attacks as a result of his actions.

She said: "A lot of people call him a monster.

"I have no words to describe what he is.

"I blame myself for letting him message me.

"I feel heartbroken for his fiance, his family and my family.

"It left me with even less confidence than before."

Matthew Comer, defending said his client had lost his career, relationship and home as a result of his actions and had suffered with his mental health.

Mr Comer said: "He fully appreciates the enormity of what he has done.

"He fully appreciates the seriousness of the situation he has put himself in.

"He fully appreciates he grossly breached the trust people ought to have in their teacher."

DC Nina Wilson said: “Thomas Hancock was a teacher who abused his position and the trust the children in his care had in him.

“The victims have displayed enormous courage in reporting this matter to the police and their strength in speaking out about what they have been through has meant that other potential victims will not have to suffer the same ordeal.

"Hancock’s depraved behaviour has caused a significant amount of emotional harm to them both and we’re continuing to offer support to them.

“However I hope that today’s result will encourage other victims to come forward and report sexual offences to the police.”

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