Portsmouth 2022-01-16

Anthony Plummer 73

Non-recent child sex offences between the 1970s and 2009.

Profile Picture
Offender ID: O-0563


Clydebank Road, Portsmouth, Hampshire, PO2


A Portsmouth man has been sentenced to 28 years in prison for a number of non-recent child sex offences spanning several decades.

Anthony Plummer, 71, of Clydebank Road, Portsmouth, appeared before Portsmouth Crown Court on Friday (14 January) following a trial at the same court in November.

On Friday 3 December 2021 a jury found Plummer guilty of:

- Two counts of rape

- Two counts of attempted rape

- Two counts of causing/inciting a girl to engage in sexual activity

- Three counts of assault by penetration

- Two counts of sexual assault

- Two counts of indecent assault.

During the trial, the court heard how Plummer abused four girls aged between 9 and 16 across several years, with his first offence taking place in 1978 and the final reported offence taking place in 2009.

In 2019 one of Plummer’s victims contacted police, prompting three further victims to do the same and a thorough investigation followed which lead to Plummer being arrested and charged.

Plummer pleaded not guilty to all offences, but was found guilty by a jury and has now been sentenced to 28 years in prison with a two year license extension following this.

Sentencing, Judge David Melville QC said that no-body could fail to be moved by the impact statements of the victims, which were bravely read out in court.

He added that Plummer was a dangerous person and a predator.

DC Graham Skull, who led the investigation, said: “The victims in this case have been remarkably brave in coming forward to report these crimes and giving evidence in court about such a traumatic period of their young lives.

“They have had to live with the memory and effects of Plummer’s abuse for decades and the impact of that on their lives is almost inconceivable for those of us who have never experienced such abuse. I would like to commend them on their remarkable bravery and courage today, without which we would not have secured this result. We are pleased that the victims have now finally found justice having suffered the effects of this terrible abuse for decades.

“I hope that this sentence today shows that we will treat all reports of this nature with the utmost seriousness and investigate thoroughly, no matter when they occurred. I would like to appeal to anyone who has been affected by abuse of this type to come forward and talk to us, and be reassured that you don’t have to suffer in silence.”

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