Luton 2021-10-15

Carson Grimes 67

Labelled by the police as the county's most prolific paedophile.

Profile Picture
Offender ID: O-0558


Dumfries Street, Luton, Bedfordshire, LU1


Carson Grimes was sentenced to prison for life after committing the most prolific sexual abuse Bedfordshire has ever seen.

The courtroom on Wednesday (October 13) was packed during the hearing with the victims and their friends and family attending to see Grimes finally jailed.

Grimes, who was also known as Carson Phillips, had been convicted of 36 counts in total involving nine victims over a 20 year period from 1982 till 2002 in Luton.

His victims were aged between five and 15-years-old who had little or no support around them.

He will serve a minimum of 22 years in prison.

Each victim gave an impact statement, some read it out themselves, while the court read out the others on their behalf.

Many described seeing Grimes as a father figure or friend until he began abusing them.

They described how he ruined their childhoods, affected their ability to have normal relationships, made them extremely overprotective of their own children and made it impossible for them to trust anyone.

Grimes introduced many of his victims to alcohol and drugs, some of them have continued to battle with their drug addictions to this day which has led them to a life of crime.

Many had also self-harmed or attempted suicide as a result of the abuse, one of Grimes victims, not included in this case, did die by suicide.

Grimes continued to deny any wrongdoing and showed no remorse towards what had happened.

His defence barrister asked that Judge Lynn Tayton QC gave Grimes a reduction in his sentencing due to his age, ill-health and the fact the last offence was committed over 19 years ago.

However, Judge Tayton QC was less than sympathetic, describing Grimes as a dangerous man who committed a campaign of rape.

Summing up of the case, she said: "You groomed them and relied on the fact that they were vulnerable youngsters, you made threats to keep them quiet.

"This was a lifestyle in which rapes and sexual assaults were used casually. You used alcohol and drugs with no regard to your victims.

"I thank the victims for their bravery in speaking up. None of them are responsible for the crimes committed by you. It’s taken them a long time to see that. In some cases it’s taken years for them to get their cases heard, I hope this will give them some vindication.

"No one should feel that they have been defined by the criminal behaviour against them. I hope that all the victims will find the strength to move forward now it’s over."

Judge Tayton QC went on to describe each individual count against Grimes in graphic detail, none of which can be reported, it took her 30 minutes to do this while Grimes sat emotionless.

Grimes stayed emotionless throughout the hearing and gave no reaction to be handed a life sentence, while his survivors cheered.

As Grimes was led from the court, Grimes' survivors waved him off in a joyous moment of real justice for them.

Outside the court, BedsLive reporter Laura Conder spoke to Natanie Loftman, one of Grimes' survivors who waived her right to anonymity to speak on behalf of the other survivors.

She said: "It hasn't sunk in yet. Now Carson is a victim of his survivors, I want to know how that makes him feel.

“To any other survivors, I say this: you are strong, you can come forward and speak your truth. To open that box might seem hard, and after you open the box it might still be hard. You will have good days and bad days – but just come forward and do it. You can do it.”

Bedfordshire Police has said as a result of 24 Hours in Police Custody showing the case around Grimes more victims have come forward to the police.

Detective Superintendent Steve Ashdown said: “Carson Grimes is one of the most dangerous, vile and prolific offenders I have seen in my policing career.

“Our investigation established a clear picture of a man who exploited boys and girls entirely for his own sexual gratification, displaying a complete absence of morals and decency.

“I am glad that the judge has imposed such a significant sentence on Grimes today, and he no longer poses a danger to the most vulnerable in our society.

“I would like to thank all the survivors who found the courage to come forward, as well as all the officers who have worked tirelessly to play their part in bringing Grimes to justice.

“We will always be on the side of victims and it is never too late to make a disclosure. We are available 24 hours a day, seven days a week to support you and bring these sorts of vile exploiters to justice.”

Detective Sergeant Rachael Foy, from the force’s CSE team, said: “Grimes preyed on young and vulnerable victims for his own twisted gratification. His god-like complex and arrogance led him to believe that he would not get caught, as he often tried to discredit victims and use their backgrounds against them.

“We will always be on the side of victims and it is never too late to make a disclosure. We are available 24 hours a day, seven days a week to support you and bring these sorts of vile exploiters to justice.”

Detective Sergeant Rachael Foy, from the force’s CSE team, said: “Grimes preyed on young and vulnerable victims for his own twisted gratification. His god-like complex and arrogance led him to believe that he would not get caught, as he often tried to discredit victims and use their backgrounds against them.

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