Middlesex 2021-07-22

Lee Millar 56

Paedophile travelled 51 miles to Bedford with sweets to meet '11-year-old girl'.

Profile Picture
Offender ID: O-0553


Locarno Road, Greenford, Middlesex, UB6


A "dangerous" sex offender has been jailed after travelling 51 miles from London with two bags of sweets thinking he was meeting an 11-year-old girl in Bedford, Bedfordshire.

Lee Millar, 53, of Locarno Road, Greenford, struck up conversation with someone online that he thought had access to an 11-year-old girl.

The conversation turned to a sexual nature within hours of the first discussion, and the two exchanged various messages between May and July last year.

Millar then arranged to travel from Greater London to Bedford to commit sexual offences against the 11-year-old girl, where he was arrested by officers at Bedford railway station.

On Thursday, 15 July, Millar was jailed for four years and three months for facilitating and arranging the commission of a child sex offence.

The judge recognised Millar as a dangerous offender and based on this he will serve an extended licence period of four years, taking his total sentence to eight years and three months.

Millar was also found guilty of breaching his Sexual Harm Prevention Order (SHPO), which will now be in force for life.

Investigation Officer Michela Zasada, from Bedfordshire Police’s Internet Child Abuse Investigation team, said: “I am glad that Millar is now behind bars and no longer poses a risk to children in Bedfordshire or anywhere else across the country.

“Millar was determined to commit this crime, regardless of the significant impact it would have had on the victim and only showed remorse for being caught.

“He is a dangerous offender and by continuing this abusive behaviour, he has shown total disregard for his previous conviction, which is something we will never tolerate.”

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