Luton 2021-01-15

Barry Brice 27

Sexual predator who raped two teenagers.

Profile Picture
Offender ID: O-0545


No fixed address,


A "callous" and "self-entitled" sexual predator who raped two teenagers was jailed for 18 years today (January 15) at Luton Crown Court.

Barry Brice, 24, of no fixed address was found unanimously guilty by a jury of three women and nine men of four counts of rape, three counts of sexual assault, and two counts of false imprisonment.

He was also served with an indefinite Sexual Harm Prevention Order and an indefinite restraining order not to contact his victims.

The predator used a fake Facebook profile of a 17-year-old boy to chat and arrange to meet young girls.

On October 28, 2019, he arranged to meet a 16-year-old girl and they spent the day together before he drove her to a field.

Price then raped the victim in his car, after making her put her mobile phone into ‘airplane mode’.

Price then drove the victim to a property in Gamlingay, Cambridgeshire, where he continued his predatory attack and subjected her to a further rape and sexual assault.

He then took her to a nearby railway station, callously telling her “good luck getting home”.

On 7 November, 2019, Price met a 15-year-old girl, who again believed he was the 17-year-old boy she had chatted to on Facebook. He took her to the same property in Gamlingay, where he also put her phone on ‘airplane mode’ and subjected her to a sexual assault and rape.

When she tried to leave, he threatened her and destroyed her mobile phone.

Recorder James Wood QC described Price as callous and of showing no remorse or empathy. Mr Wood added that he had no doubt Price planned the rapes, showing a self-entitlement to sexually abuse his victims.

Praising the two young girls for their courage in coming forward, he told Price: “The memory of what you did to them will live with them forever.”

Detective Sergeant Clare Gilbert, of Bedfordshire Police’s Rape and Serious Sexual Offences (RASSO) team, who led this investigation, said: “I am satisfied to see that Price will now be incarcerated for such a significant time after committing these heinous sexual offences, by deliberately hiding his true identity on social media for the purpose of gaining access to young girls.

"The fact that Price has been jailed for this length of time reflects the severity of his offending and the trauma and anguish he inflicted on his victims.

"Seeing this length of sentence handed down drives us to do the work we do, and will continue to do, every single day to protect the public."

She added: “It wasn’t easy for the girls to report what he did to them, and I want to thank them again for their strength in coming forward, which has been truly inspirational. Hopefully seeing Price locked up will allow them to begin their journeys to recovery.

“Anyone who commits rape or sexual offences must expect to face the considerable consequences of their actions."

Detective Inspector Michelle Lack added: “Our specially trained officers work closely with highly skilled, specialist and empathetic partners to ensure anyone who has experienced rape or sexual assault can get the right help they need.

“If something has happened to you, please let us know. We will believe you and we will do all we can to support you, and investigate so that perpetrators are brought to justice.”

Victims of rape and sexual assault can receive support and guidance from Bedfordshire Police and its partner agencies, including the Sexual Assault Referral Centre (SARC), as well as support through the criminal investigation process.

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