Leicester 2021-10-06

Kevin Johnson 49

Groomed and sexually assaulted a 15-year-old schoolgirl.

Profile Picture
Offender ID: O-0486


Kate Street, Leicester, LE3 5RQ


An abuser who groomed and sexually assaulted a 15-year-old schoolgirl is now behind bars.

Kevin Johnson was seen molesting the teenager on a bench in a Leicester park by a concerned member of the public - who filmed the incident as evidence, confronted him and detained him until the police arrived.

The 47-year-old was said to have groomed the girl, by paying her compliments and giving her money and sweets, before instigating sexual activity.

Johnson, of Kate Street, Black Friars, Leicester was then arrested and the girl revealed that as well as the incident in the park she had also had sex with the defendant.

The teenager, who has since moved elsewhere, said in a victim impact statement she suffered nightmares as a result of Johnson's abuse and now has difficulty trusting people.

She stated: "I now have to remind myself what he did was wrong - how will I know how to love and what is right for me?

"I'm strong and capable and so much more than my past."

Johnson pleaded guilty to two counts of sexual activity with a child last year and one of failing to attend court for sentencing on September 24 this year - which led to him being arrested on a warrant and being remanded into custody.

Philip Gibbs, prosecuting, told Leicester Crown Court: "This involved grooming and there was a large disparity in age."

He said of the witness who saw the defendant intimately touching the girl in a park: "He was so concerned he began to record what he could see.

"He then confronted the defendant and asked how old he was and how old the girl was."

The victim wrongly claimed she was 17 and became upset when the police arrived, claiming to love the defendant.

Paul Prior, mitigating, said the defendant had no record of similar offending and pleaded guilty, which spared the victim from giving evidence.

He said that by avoiding a trial it had allowed the girl to "move on" with her life without having to re-live her ordeal in the witness box.

Johnson was jailed for three years and five months. He was also put on a sex offender register for life, given a sexual harm prevention order and was made the subject of an indefinite restraining order, banning any future contact with the victim.

After the case Detective Sergeant Rob Buckley, who oversaw the investigation, said: “Johnson quite clearly exploited this young girl’s age and vulnerabilities to encourage her to engage in sexual activity with him.

“I would like to the thank the member of the public for their keen eye and public spirit which led to officers quickly attending, arresting the suspect and safeguarding the child. Without their support, this predatory offender could have still been exploiting this victim and possibly other young girls.

“Their actions that day ultimately led to Johnson facing justice for his crimes and a considerable amount of time behind bars.”

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