Southampton 2012-01-30

Aaron Cool 31

A teenager defied an under-age girl’s mother by having sex in her home, Southampton Crown Court heard.

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Offender ID: O-0463


Oakwood Drive, Southampton SO16


Aaron Cool was 18 when he formed a relationship with the girl through a social network site. When he met her mother she became worried about the difference in age and laid down ground rules banning them from being alone in the girl’s room.

Prosecutor Siobhan Linsley said the relationship lasted three months then the girl “made disclosures to her mother about the defendant”.

A friend had also been concerned and had already contacted police. On arrest, Cool admitted they had sexual intercourse five times at the girl’s parents’ home.

The court heard Cool, when 17, had been involved in a relationship with a 13-year-old but she did not make a complaint.

Now 19, Cool, of Oakwood Drive, Lordshill, Southampton, had sentence adjourned until February 24 for reports.

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