Eastleigh 2019-02-05

Christopher Halloran 72

Child rapist who sexually abused up to a dozen children for more than 30 years has resigned himself to dying in prison.

Profile Picture
Offender ID: O-0457


Hampshire and Selby, North Yorkshire


Christopher Halloran, 67, formerly of Eastleigh, was jailed for over 20 years at York Crown Court for the “systematic” sexual abuse of his helpless victims – some as young as three and four – who were sworn to secrecy by the sexual predator.

Halloran plied some of the victims with cigarettes and alcohol as part of the grooming process, said prosecutor Paul Abrahams.

He abused children at properties in Hampshire and Selby, North Yorkshire.

Mr Abrahams said the “three decades of abuse” lasted from September 1986 to 2018, during which Halloran urged some of the victims – both girls and boys – to join him in “games of dare” before exposing himself and assaulting them.

Halloran was in his mid-30s when he began abusing one girl in Hampshire.

On another occasion, Halloran took a victim out in his car and sexually assaulted her in woods. Another attack happened at a bird hide in North Yorkshire.

“He clearly groomed (the victim), buying her cigarettes and alcohol,” said Mr Abrahams. “This made (the girl) feel confused and trapped.”

The victim said she felt “sick and dirty” afterwards.

One boy was abused on “multiple” occasions. Like many of the victims, he said he felt “trapped” by Halloran’s “sick little games”.

Father-of-three Halloran, of Sherburn, near Selby, North Yorkshire, was arrested in 2018 and

admitted 26 charges including two counts of rape, indecency with a child, sexual assault of children under 13 and assault by penetration. Eight other charges were left on file.

He appeared for sentence when some of the victims were sitting in the public gallery.

All the victims – none of whom can be named for legal reasons – said they were still suffering the effects of Halloran’s abuse. Some of them had lost their jobs or had to take time off work due to the toll on their health. For others it had led to the collapse of their marriages.

Others said they had suffered from severe mental-health issues which had led to depression, eating disorders, self-harm, nervous breakdowns, panic attacks, nightmares and flashbacks.

Defending Abbie Whelan said an expert’s report concluded that her client was a danger to children and he accepted that he “will almost inevitably die in prison”.

Judge Andrew Stubbs QC told Halloran: “You are dangerous (to children) and you will be sentenced as such.”

Halloran was given a 19-year jail term. If and when he is ever released, he will have to serve an extended eight-year period on prison licence. He was ordered to sign on the sex offenders’ register for life and made subject to a sexual-harm prevention order, which is also for life.

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