Isle of Wight 2021-04-19

Philip Shaw 38

Isle of Wight rapist jailed after Blackburn street attack.

Profile Picture
Offender ID: O-0346


Parsonage Rd, Sandown PO36 9AJ


A RAPIST who lived on the Isle of Wight and who attacked a woman in Blackburn, Lancashire, has been deemed a dangerous offender.

Philip Shaw, of Parsonage Court, Sandown, subjected his victim to a terrifying sexual ordeal in October 2019, Preston Crown Court heard.

The 35 year old struck up a conversation with the woman, a sex worker, and a business deal was agreed for £40. He did not hand over the money.

When Shaw and the woman walked towards a more secluded area, he forced her over a nearby vehicle and attempted to rape her.

As a result of the attack, his victim suffered sleepless nights, stress, anxiety and has been left in fear of going out alone, the court was told.

Prosecutor Alaric Bassano said: “The defendant, who knew perfectly well she was not consenting and who could see and hear her distress, was quite unmoved, insensitive to her wishes and appeared to care only about his gratification.

“He menacingly threatened her, saying he would kick the f*** out of her.

“The woman, who was crying, pleaded with the defendant to stop.”

Shaw was only stopped when a car drove past, causing him to pull away from the victim who then fled and called the police.

Preston Crown Court heard how Shaw had previously been jailed for seven years, for raping a woman in Runcorn, Cheshire, ten years earlier.

CCTV footage recovered during a police investigation showed how the Blackburn attack lasted around two minutes.

Shaw told police that before he came across his victim, he had spent his last £10 on oral sex from another woman.

He went on to claim that he had told the woman he had no money, but that she wanted to have sex with him anyway.

He maintained a not-guilty plea until the trial, eventually pleading guilty on the second day in court.

He was jailed for 12 years and three months, of which 8 years and three months will be spent in custody, with the remainder on licence.

Recorder Geoffrey Payne said: “It is clear that you knew full well she was not consenting.

"This was a terrible ordeal for her.

"She says she feels guilty for putting herself in this position and although that is clearly misplaced, those are very real feelings on her part.

"You were arrested and you did not tell the police the truth."

Deeming him a dangerous offender, Recorder Payne added: “I am required to consider the issue of dangerousness - that is whether there is the risk of significant risk of you committing further specified offences and whether there is a risk of you causing serious harm.

“I am satisfied that you do posses such a risk. In particular you present a high risk of serious harm to sex workers and those women in who you have a sexual interest.”

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